On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:09 AM, nicolas de loof

> I may be wrong, but doesn't the ProcessBuilder use the OS interpreter to
> parse the forked process command line & arguments ? (This may be JRE
> dependenant)

Not sure, but it's worth pointing out that CompilePermsServer doesn't
actually need a really long classpath... it is designed to work with only
gwt-dev on the classpath.

> For my personnal info, why do you fork a JVM and not just use multiple
> threads using java.util.concurrent  ?

You can manually raise the number of local threads by setting the System
property "gwt.jjs.maxThreads".  If you don't set it, it defaults to 1.  The
reason we prefer processes to threads has to do with heap usage.  The
compiler is extremely memory intensive-- the amount of memory required to
compile is nearly linear with the number of permutations you run at the same
time.  This causes several problems.

   - The user has to start up the VM with a much higher memory ceiling or
   they risk running out of memory.
   - If you get anywhere near the hard memory ceiling, you'll start
   thrashing GC badly and everything will grind to a standstill.  This is far
   less likely to happen with multiple processes each with their own heap.
   - Even when you don't get anywhere near the memory ceiling, we've seen
   that empirically, GC appears to be super-linear with respect to the amount
   of heap being used.  By sharding across processes instead of threads, we
   tend to find that GC overhead is reduced overall.
   - Finally, some operating systems (particularly Linux) will simply devote
   more processing time to a set of processes than it will to a single process
   with a lot of threads.  We tend to get much higher CPU utilization with

Bob, I went searching for the design doc for multi-process/threaded compiles
but couldn't find it.  Does one exist already?  If not, could this email be
a start for one?



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