Hi Gary,

We're happy to share both of those. In fact, neither one of those is really
considered proprietary; it's more just that they aren't really generalized
properly for widespread use. We'll put them in trunk as soon as time allows
(which is likely on the order of weeks at a minimum).

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Gary Miller <miller.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey All
> Now that the outside world has been give a peek at how Google is using
> GWT ...
>   http://code.google.com/events/io/sessions/GoogleWavePoweredByGWT.html
> I was wondering if / when some of the propriety stuff might be made
> available to the outside world
> e.g.
> - Declarative UI / UiBinder
> - Server-side script selection
> -
> My applause to the GWT team from their involvement in Wave.
> Regards
> Gary
> >


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