I failed to elaborate on the cleanup suggestions...

   - At a minimum, we can make macros for the distinct types, and enforce a
   depends= ban that way.  I don't know a pretty way to enforce correlation to
   content, though (i.e. to say "no gwt.ant in this macro body").
   - We don't actually have THAT many "action" rules; we could just have the
   subdirectory targets only for building, allow dependencies on them, and
   instead of using call-subproject for lateral calls from actions, have them
   use gwt.ant directly, after depending on the subproject, and never reference
   $target at all.  That is:

<target name="test"
           depends="dist-dev"> <!-- dist-dev => buildtools, dev-one,
jni-one, user, servlet -->
    <gwt.ant dir="user" target="test"/>
    <gwt.ant dir="servlet" target="test"/>
<target name="servlet" depends="user">
    <gwt.ant dir="servlet" target="build"/>
<target name="user" depends="dev-one">
    <gwt.ant dir="user" target="build"/>

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:52 AM, <fabb...@google.com> wrote:

> Reviewers: bobv,
> Description:
> This is build-timeout surgery... I have some suggestions for cleanup
> later.
> The real problem is that in r5557 I caused target "test" to
> call-subproject into to top-level "servlet" for subtarget "test"... and
> servlet depends on user, which uses gwt.ant (sensitive to $target) to
> descend into user and... test it.  Ditto for tools.
> I find the use of $target mildly confusing, but the big issue is that
> while we want "action" rules like test to descend with some other target
> (e.g. test), we want "subdirectory" rules to build their dependencies
> with build and then descend with whatever $target is... but those
> dependencies can't figure out whether they were called from an action
> like test or from another subdirectory like servlet or tools.
> Since ant's "if" constructs are all nasty, I opted to make the
> action/subdirectory distinction explicit, and to ban "depends" from
> subdirectories.
> Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/43801
> Affected files:
>  build.xml


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