On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Lex Spoon<sp...@google.com> wrote:
> This looks like a straightforward and easily understood way to name
> calls to runAsync.  What do others think?

As a brainstorm-quality idea, what about requiring that runAsync
invocations are in their own methods (as you mentioned) but not
requiring an annotation?  Any given method already has a fully
qualified name (it's even globally unique within the program) so why
introduce yet another name in the annotation?

Some compiler magic to make this happen might be a nice-to-have:

RunAsyncRef ref = new RunAsyncRef(ClassContainingMethod.class, "methodName");

You could statically determine that it's valid, use ref as a token to
refer to fragments as necessary, and avoid having to specify
package.ClassName.methodName because you take advantage of the import
statements.  Dunno what you'd do with it, of course.



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