Thanks, Lex.

I've uploaded another patch for your review that addresses your comment.
I'm still not quite certain which way is better - what do people think?

Option 1: Create a manifest file for each permutation which carries the same
permutation id as the existing SOYC report files.
Good: Can be used without using symbol maps
Bad: Duplicates some code

Option 2: Modify the symbol map files to output, as the first line, the
permutation ID.
Good: Slick, cheap, adds permutation ID to symbol map, which may come in
handy for use cases other than SOYC in the future.
Bad: SOYC will *have* to be used in conjunction with symbol maps, and the
SOYC dashboard needs to read information from both.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 5:34 PM, <> wrote:

> Ideally, the similar information in the symbol maps files could be
> reused.  However, this patch certainly does the job as is.  It's up to
> you.


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