Since Lex and I are push/pull'ing you on the flag name, I'd leave it the
way you have it unless a consensus otherwise emerges.  But the
when-to-enable flag is wrong, and I think you've moved from a
too-expansive to a too-restricted spec!
File user/src/com/google/gwt/junit/ (right):
Line 779: if (!argList.contains("-XdisableAssertions") &&
argList.contains("-web")) {
I think my reaction on this one got lost in an off-line thread... I
actually think "assertions are on for tests, unles s you turn them off"
is simpler/better than "assertions are on for tests, but only in web
mode,...", which I think makes the JUnitShell constructor change

There are also ways to run "web mode" that do not use -web (namely,
-remoteweb, -selenium, and -manual), so this contains test is flawed
anyway.  My suggestion for doing it here was actually to always assert
-ea (in position 0, and regardless of anything in argList), and let that
be overridden by a later -XdisableAssertions flag if need be.

So, regardless of intended spec, the test here is wrong.  I claim that
"correct" is to be mode-insensitive (i.e. JUnitShell defaults to
assertions enabled, but hosted mode and compiler default to disabled).
Copy GWTC for dissent, speak now or hold your peace.


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