2009/7/30 Miguel Méndez <mmen...@google.com>

> The first is something that we call contributor SDKs.  These allow you to
> define a GWT SDK that is backed by the gwt-user, gwt-dev-PLAT/gwt-dev-oophm
> projects in your eclipse workspace.  Configure your workspace per
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/eclipse/README.txt,
> do a single ant build to populate the staging directory, and import the
> gwt-user, gwt-dev-PLAT and gwt-dev-oophm projects.  Then add a new GWT SDK
> (you'll notice that you get an option to create an SDK uses the  GWT source
> projects in your workspace).
> The second feature is very basic support for OOPHM.  If you are working
> against an SDK that supports OOPHM, you'll get a checkbox in the GWT tab of
> the web app launch configuration which selects between OOPHM or normal
> hosted mode.  Lastly, if you are on OSX and you are using an OOPHM-enabled
> contributor SDK, we filter the SWT jars out of the launch configuration
> classpath to prevent eclipse from putting -XstartOnFirstThread and breaking

w00t, and w00t!


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