For layout constraints I could use Element.setPropertyObject
("layoutData", ...)

Based on that, this is a StackLayoutPanel implementation with a
VBoxLayout manager:

The EntryPoint class is:


How do you handle not visible widgets (display: none) added to
LayoutPanel? In my demo I use:

  public void setVisible(Widget w, boolean visible) {
    final Element containerElement = ((Layout.Layer) w.getLayoutData
    if (visible) {
      containerElement.getStyle().setProperty("display", "");
    } else {
      containerElement.getStyle().setProperty("display", "none");

On Aug 12, 5:56 pm, Joel Webber <> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 10:27 AM, ggeorg 
> <>wrote:
> > Hi Joel,
> > second attempt :-) now based on your code (some things I still do not
> > understand like the LayoutPanel.onLayout() method).
> > I don't think that layout managers are a bad idea because you don't
> > have to switch the panel widget in order to change the layout
> > (switching panels involves dettaching widgets, and IFRAMEs will be
> > forced to reload on each onLoad()).
> > My second demo expand LayoutPanel and adds support for layout
> > managers. All layout managers are using the Layout class to add layout
> > constraints to the widgets Layer object, and finally Container.layout
> > () method will call super.layout().
> > Demo:
> > Code:
> > The EntryPoint class looks like this:
> > The highlighted lines shows how easy it is to switch layout managers.
> > Now lets say I want to use "high level" layout hints. I was using
> > Widget.setLayoutData(Object o) so far. But now this is a place where
> > you store all the "low level" layout hints. It would be nice if Layer
> > could be used also for "high level" hints like Region.NORTH,
> > Region.SOUTH, ... for a BorderLayoutManager. So far there is no way to
> > extend Layer. A workaround would be to add a Map to Layer.
> Actually, you can hang an arbitrary object from the Layer by passing it as
> the second argument to Layout.attachChild(). The LayoutPanel uses it to
> remember which widget is associated with a layer.
> By the way I like all this new classes and the animation support added
> > to Layout, and try to find a way to use and extend them for gwt-
> > mosaic.
> Thanks, and I'm eager to see what use you may be able to make of it. When I
> went to implement an animated StackPanel equivalent, I found that it was
> actually impossible without building animation into the Layout system,
> because the calculations for transitioning among constraint-sets (e.g.
> left+width => left+right) can't be easily performed outside of the Layout
> class.
> The drawbacks of using CSS based layouts is that border and margin CSS
> > attributes (see borders in the demo) will need extra code.
> Thanks for pointing this out. I actually did a lot of work to ensure that
> you could add arbitrary decorations (margins, borders, and padding) to child
> elements of a Layout. Which I seem to have screwed up by adding a default
> width/height of 100% to children when they're attached. I did this because
> it fixed a problem where left/right/top/bottom:0 wasn't enough to make
> <table> elements consume the available space in their parent elements. I'll
> have to go back to the drawing board on this, but suffice it to say that you
> *will* be able to do this when I get this bug fixed :)
> is there a way to get the widget's default width/height? Maybe I do
> > something wrong, but this code
> > layer.setTopHeight(0, Unit.PX, north.getOffsetHeight(), Unit.PX);
> > does not work, returned height is too small.
> I assume 'north' refers to a widget that's added to the LayoutPanel. This
> widget will be absolutely positioned, so it's no longer possible to get its
> 'natural' size. This is an unavoidable consequence of any
> absolutely-positioned layout. The only way around it that I'm aware of is to
> try and calculate its natural size by putting it somewhere hidden in the
> DOM, measure its size, then put it in the absolute layout. But this can also
> get very expensive in practice, because you end up forcing a reflow every
> time you do it.
> Also, remember that you have to measure it under essentially the same
> width/height constraints it's going to be under when made visible. As an
> example, imagine that you're asking for the natural size of a <div> with a
> bunch of text in it. You can only correctly ask for its natural height when
> its width is constrained, because of text flow.
> I've chosen to stay away from this problem, because it almost invariably
> ends up being slower than you'd like, and you can usually choose reasonable
> size values in terms of font-relative units such as EMs. For layout on
> fine-grained things like form elements, I think it's better to avoid
> absolute layouts altogether, using more 'standard' CSS layout.

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