Thanks (c:  It's still early days, but the approach seems to be
working quite well.  I'm hoping to get some more detailed
documentation up soonish.


On Aug 13, 7:24 pm, Mathias Bogaert <> wrote:
> One of the coolest things I've seen since UiBinder. Excellent work!
> On Aug 13, 9:50 am, Andrew Pietsch <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've just uploaded a new prototype Form/Binding library based on
> > PresentationModel/ValueModel pattern.  It uses a builder style api
> > inspired by Guice.
> > It also support plugins for extending the functionality of the core
> > framework.  Currently there's a metadata plugin and a validation
> > plugin.
> > You can check it out and try the demo 
> > at:
> > Cheers
> > Andrew

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