I've got this.


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Bruce Johnson <br...@google.com> wrote:

> End this email below is what it looks like when I run the compiler on a
> modified Hello sample using the default compiler log level. How is the
> signal-to-noise ratio? I think it's not great.
> A few areas for improvement:
> - Lower the log level for "Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC"; seems
> like this should be TRACE, since they don't actually have info that is
> really context-relevant; it's more telling you what code path the compiler
> itself is following; it might seem more useful if it listed the file name.
> - Maybe get rid of ""Done"; the presence of subsequent outdented logs
> should make it clear enough that the preceding step has finished
> - Lower the log level of permutation timings to INFO
> - Decide how to make the permutation counting look like it makes sense; in
> particular, specifying "<I> of <N>", you expect the indices to range 1..N
> rather than 0..(N-1). Every time I see that last mesage "8 of 9" I keep
> feeling disappointed that I never see "9 of 9" :-)
> - Lower the log level of the "Linking" subtree, and specify what "war"
> directory is being linked into, such as "Linking into war at
> /usr/local/myproject/war"
> Also, on another note, when you run the compiler with -treeLogger, we still
> get some console noise that looks like this:
> Permutation took 516 ms
> Permutation took 284 ms
> Permutation took 187 ms
> Permutation took 147 ms
> Permutation took 196 ms
> Permutation took 131 ms
> Permutation took 177 ms
> Permutation took 140 ms
> Permutation took 134 ms
> I think we have a stray System.out?
> In the end, it seems like the default log level ought to produce treelogger
> output that looks like this:
> Compiling module com.google.gwt.sample.hello.Hello
> Compilation succeeded -- 6.889s
> Arguably, it should even be silent unless there's a problem.
> Thoughts? Anyone eager to write a patch for changes along these lines?
> -- Bruce
> === Actual log below ===
> Compiling module com.google.gwt.sample.hello.Hello
>    Compiling 9 permutations
>    Worker permutation 0 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 294 ms
>    Worker permutation 1 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 291 ms
>    Worker permutation 2 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 197 ms
>    Worker permutation 3 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 154 ms
>    Worker permutation 4 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 198 ms
>    Worker permutation 5 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 194 ms
>    Worker permutation 6 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 184 ms
>    Worker permutation 7 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 145 ms
>    Worker permutation 8 of 9
>       Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC
>          Done
> Permutation took 131 ms
>       Permutation compile succeeded
> Linking into war
>    Link succeeded
>    Compilation succeeded -- 6.889s
> >


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