> Finally, GWT is all about finding coding patterns with which tools (IDEs in
> particular) are useful. UiBinder's XHTML syntax makes it easier to write
> good tools because it isn't as expressive as full-blown code: more
> restrictive language means more ability to analyze it statically, which is
> what tools are all about. Fluent APIs that would encourage people to write
> UIs with Java code are less amenable to creating good tools for them. For
> example, the Google Plugin is already working on tools to make editing
> UiBinder templates easy breezy, and we hope other IDEs will do the same.

  Will Google Plugin provide text editor for *.ui.xml files?
  Is there any place where I can ask to make this editor embeddable
into MultiPageEditorPart?
  This would allow us to compose corresponding Java, ui.xml and
WYSIWYG Design pages into single editor.
  For example Eclipse Java editor can not be embedded, because there
are several dependencies in it and its actions, so we have to inherit
from it to add Design and other pages in WindowBuilder. But if Google
Plugin editor also will have such limitation, we will not able to
include it in same way.

  I use MultiPageEditorPart just as example, most probably we will use
our own multi-page editor implementation (inherited from Java editor).

> -- Bruce
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 11:32 AM, SonyMathew <xsonymat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > One point I have tried injecting into the GWT community is the
> > importance of fluent APIs.  GWT's Java API is currently quite
> > cumbersome for layouts and it seems folks immediately jumped to the
> > conclusion that Java doesn't work and have gone the route of using XML
> > for layouts.  I am not against folks that want XML layouts but there
> > are many that feel fluent APIs in Java for layouts will be even more
> > productive  Even if you layout your initial UI in XML you are still
> > going to need to modify it dynamically in Java based on various events
> > - so you end up having a eye sore mix.
> > I put out an example of a fluent API called AxisPanel (search for it)
> > - its not a great implementation - but it pretty much let me layout
> > everything pretty quickly and changed the pace of my GWT development
> > drastically - especially when it came to modifying layouts with new
> > requirements.  Speaking for myself - I would like to see more such
> > APIs (and better implementations than my AxisPanel) that folks can
> > rely on as part of the Core GWT.
> > I don't think developers starting a new GWT project would adopt XML
> > layouts if they could fluently layout in Java right alongside the rest
> > of their coding (at-least thats my theory)..
> > Sony
> > On Aug 10, 8:59 am, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > We've been playing with UiBinder and I thought it'd be a good idea to
> > > share what we've seen so far (and ask some questions).
> > > Some of the apps we write are used by more then one hospital and this
> > > requires a tailored UI depending on the user's preferences and to
> > > store additional information that a particular hospital needs to keep
> > > track of. At the moment, writing UI in a swing style, we program to
> > > interfaces and use GIN to bind everything together. Using different
> > > AbstractGinModules and Ginjectors, we can tie the application together
> > > in different ways using different UI implementations. What would be
> > > the way to do this with UiBinder? From what we could tell, one would
> > > use UiTemplate, but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure the
> > > String in UiTemplate easily through a GIN module. Are there
> > > alternatives?
> > > Following the programming to interfaces theme, we've been doing that
> > > with UiBinder, but have run into an issue when trying to build a
> > > larger UI page out of smaller ui.xml classes. It seems that referring
> > > to interfaces in ui.xml doesn't work, so you need to work with direct
> > > concrete classes. But this would force you to use a particular
> > > implementation when we'd like to keep it generic.
> > > Lastly, I guess this is something just for consideration for the
> > > future, but having the GEP work with UiBinder would make using it a
> > > lot easier. For example, having code completion, refactoring support
> > > and error messages right in Eclipse. This would be something like the
> > > Spring IDE plugin that one you configure Spring XML files with all the
> > > above features.
> > > Thanks again for the UiBinder, we'll definitely have to spend more time
> > with it.
> > > Best regards,
> > > --
> > > Arthur Kalmenson

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