Actually, after I fired off the email, I thought "Hey, I can just just
HTMLPanel with tables and rows and cells with colspans.  Is that the
usage pattern you guys were thinking of anyway?  Certainly I can write
a parser for FlexTable, but it seems it would largely duplicate
tables, yes?

With respect to FlexTable and markup, off the top of my head (assuming
the formatting gods are with me):

   <g:FlexColumn col='0' width='50px'/>
      <g:FlexCell colspan='2' align='center'>
          <g:HTML><img src='img/loginBanner.gif'/></g:HTML>
   <g:FlexRow valign='middle'>
      <g:FlexCell styleName='form-label' wrap='false'>
          <g:Label text="Username"/>
         <g:TextBox maxLength='32' ui:field='txUsername'>Username</

The parser would implicitly use getRowFormatter(),  getColumnFormatter
() and getFlexCellFormatter().  As noted, this largely duplicates what
can be done with tables, except being able to cleaning bind to
FlexTable fields, etc.


On Sep 17, 12:03 pm, Ray Ryan <> wrote:
> Yes, most widgets won't need custom parsers. They'll be covered by
> combinations of BeanParser, HasWidgetsParser, etc. Custom parsers come into
> play for widgets with no default constructor, or need custom code generated
> for their add methods...that kind of thing.
> I'm pretty sure HorizontalPanel and VerticalPanel already work. They're
> nasty widgets, though, and likely to be deprecated soon in favor of the new
> LayoutPanel family. Anyway, are you sure you need them at all rather than
> simple divs in an HTMLPanel?
> Re: FlexTable, what exactly to you have in mind? Could you sketch out the
> ui.xml file you wish you could write?
> rjrjr

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