My 2 c€nts.

Overall, it leads to reworking the patch as an:
if (method is GET (or HEAD)) {
    if (url contains ".nocache.") {
       set no-cache headers
    } else if (url contains ".cache".) {
       set forever-cache headers
// otherwise (non-GET/HEAD, or non-nocache/cache URL), just do nothing
regarding caching (or at least fallback to default)

An application developer can use the following in its web.xml to change
the default behavior for static files (and cache them for 60 seconds):

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/shell/jetty/
Line 450: // to be safe, mark all non-GETs as non-cacheable
Er, responses to non-GET/HEAD requests *are* non-cacheable by default
(as a consequence of the "write-through mandatory" constraint from HTTP ), so
this is useless IMO.
Line 471: // everything else gets public caching for 60 seconds
Why? why not (again) rely on the default caching behavior?


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