Revision: 6952
Date: Mon Nov 16 19:20:19 2009
Log: Tweaked wording on soyc link


--- /wiki/       Mon Nov 16 19:17:44 2009
+++ /wiki/       Mon Nov 16 19:20:19 2009
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

  === Major New Features ===
    * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided a  
special-purpose "hosted browser" to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the web  
page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser. Development  
mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin called  
the "Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin" for many popular browsers. In  
other words, you can use development mode directly from Safari, Firefox,  
IE, and Chrome.
-  * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting with <a  
allows you to chunk your GWT code into multiple fragments for faster  
startup. Imagine having to download a whole movie before being able to  
watch it. Well, that's what you have to do with most Ajax apps these days  
-- download the whole thing before using it. With code splitting, you can  
arrange to load just the minimum script needed to get the application  
running and the user interacting, while the rest of the app is downloaded  
as needed.
+  * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting using GWT.runAsync(),  
along with compile reports (also known as <a  
Story of Your Compile</a>) allows you to chunk your GWT code into multiple  
fragments for faster startup. Imagine having to download a whole movie  
before being able to watch it. Well, that's what you have to do with most  
Ajax apps these days -- download the whole thing before using it. With code  
splitting, you can arrange to load just the minimum script needed to get  
the application running and the user interacting, while the rest of the app  
is downloaded as needed.
    * Declarative User Interface: GWT's <a  
now allows you to create  user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously,  
widgets had to be created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of  
code. Now, you can use XML to declare your UI, making the code more  
readable, easier to maintain, and faster to develop. The Mail sample has  
been updated to show a practical example of using !UiBinder.
    * Bundling of resources via <a  
GWT introduced <a  
in 1.4 to provide automatic spriting of images. !ClientBundle generalizes  
this technique, bringing the power of combining and optimizing resources  
into one download to things like text files, CSS, and XML. This means fewer  
network round trips, which in turn can decrease application latency --  
especially on mobile applications.
    * Using !HtmlUnit for running test cases based on <a  
Prior to 2.0, GWTTestCase relied on SWT and native code versions of actual  
browsers to run unit tests. As a result, running unit tests required  
starting an actual browser. As of 2.0, GWTTestCase no longer uses SWT or  
native code. Instead, it uses !HtmlUnit as the built-in browser.  
Because !HtmlUnit is written entirely in the Java language, there is no  
longer any native code involved in typical test-driven development.  
Debugging GWT Tests in development mode can be done entirely in a Java  


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