Revision: 6957
Date: Tue Nov 17 10:56:40 2009
Log: Edited wiki page through web user interface.


--- /wiki/       Mon Nov 16 19:48:40 2009
+++ /wiki/       Tue Nov 17 10:56:40 2009
@@ -2,19 +2,114 @@

  = Getting Started with GWT 2.0 RC1 =

+Before using GWT 2.0 RC1, please understand that it is still a release  
candidate and will likely change before its official release.
+We do not recommend using this release candidate build for production  
  This release contains big changes to improve developer productivity, make  
cross-browser development easier, and produce faster web applications.

-=== Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be  
confusing without explanation ===
-  * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term "development  
mode" rather than the old term "hosted mode."
-  * The term "hosted mode" was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be  
using the more descriptive term "development mode" from now on. For similar  
reasons, we'll be using the term "production mode" rather than "web mode"  
when referring to compiled script.
-  * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download, and  
it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file for every  
development platform. This is made possible by the new plugin approach used  
to implement development mode (see below). The distribution file does not  
include the browser plugins themselves; those are downloaded separately the  
first time you use development mode in a browser that doesn't have the  
plugin installed.
-=== Major New Features ===
-  * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided a  
special-purpose "hosted browser" to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the web  
page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser. Development  
mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin called  
the "Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin" for many popular browsers. In  
other words, you can use development mode directly from Safari, Firefox,  
IE, and Chrome.
-  * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting using GWT.runAsync(),  
along with compile reports (also known as <a  
Story of Your Compile</a>) allows you to chunk your GWT code into multiple  
fragments for faster startup. Imagine having to download a whole movie  
before being able to watch it. Well, that's what you have to do with most  
Ajax apps these days -- download the whole thing before using it. With code  
splitting, you can arrange to load just the minimum script needed to get  
the application running and the user interacting, while the rest of the app  
is downloaded as needed.
-  * Declarative User Interface: GWT's <a  
now allows you to create  user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously,  
widgets had to be created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of  
code. Now, you can use XML to declare your UI, making the code more  
readable, easier to maintain, and faster to develop. The Mail sample has  
been updated to show a practical example of using !UiBinder.
-  * Bundling of resources via <a  
GWT introduced <a  
in 1.4 to provide automatic spriting of images. !ClientBundle generalizes  
this technique, bringing the power of combining and optimizing resources  
into one download to things like text files, CSS, and XML. This means fewer  
network round trips, which in turn can decrease application latency --  
especially on mobile applications.
-  * Using !HtmlUnit for running test cases based on <a  
Prior to 2.0, GWTTestCase relied on SWT and native code versions of actual  
browsers to run unit tests. As a result, running unit tests required  
starting an actual browser. As of 2.0, GWTTestCase no longer uses SWT or  
native code. Instead, it uses !HtmlUnit as the built-in browser.  
Because !HtmlUnit is written entirely in the Java language, there is no  
longer any native code involved in typical test-driven development.  
Debugging GWT Tests in development mode can be done entirely in a Java  
+== Downloading and Installing GWT 2.0 RC1 SDK ==
+No installation process is required to use the GWT SDK; simply unzip it  
into any convenient directory.
GWT 2.0 RC1</a>
+The new debugging support in GWT 2.0, called Development Mode, requires a  
native browser plugin that will be installed on-demand as you use GWT.
+See "Getting Started with Development Mode" below for step-by-step  
instructions for this process.
+== Downloading and Installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.2 RC1 ==
+Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.2 RC1 includes functionality to support the  
new features in GWT 2.0, so if you're an Eclipse users, we highly recommend  
installing it as well.
+=== Installation Instructions ===
+Download the Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.2.0 Release Candidate zip  
distributions for your version of Eclipse:
+  * 3.5 (Galileo): <a  
+  * 3.4 (Ganymede) <a  
+  * 3.3 (Europa): <a  
+*Note*: Ensure that your version of Eclipse has Eclipse's Web Standard  
Tools (WST) installed before installing the plugin. WST can be installed by  
navigating to the Software Installation section, and selecting the the  
appropriate WST feature from the update site for your version of Eclipse.  
The update sites and feature names are provided below.
+  * 3.5 (Galileo): Galileo -> Web, XML, and Java EE Development -> Eclipse  
Web Developer Tools
+  * 3.4 (Ganymede): Ganymede Update Site -> Web and Java EE Development ->  
Web Developer Tools
+  * 3.3 (Europa): Europa Discovery Site -> Web and JEE Development -> Web  
Standard Tools Project
+It is strongly recommended that you install the release candidate on a  
fresh install of Eclipse and use a clean workspace.
+Finally, follow <a  
instructions</a> for installing the plugin from a zip distribution.
+=== Important Notes ===
+<dt>Terminology changes</dt>
+We're going to start using the term "development mode" rather than the old  
term "hosted mode." The term "hosted mode" was sometimes confusing to  
people, so we'll be using the more descriptive term "development mode" from  
now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using the term "production mode"  
rather than "web mode" when referring to compiled script.
+<dt>Changes to the distribution</dt>
+Note that there's only one download, and it's no longer platform-specific.  
You download the same zip file for every development platform. This is made  
possible by the new plugin approach used to implement development mode (see  
below). The distribution file does not include the browser plugins  
themselves; those are downloaded separately the first time you use  
development mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.
+=== Major New Features in the GWT SDK ===
+<dt>In-Browser Development Mode</dt>
+Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided a special-purpose "hosted browser"  
to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the web page being debugged is viewed  
within a regular-old browser. Development mode is supported through the use  
of a native-code plugin called the "Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin"  
for many popular browsers. In other words, you can use development mode  
directly from Safari, Firefox, IE, and Chrome.
+<dt>Developer-guided Code Splitting</dt>
+Code splitting using GWT.runAsync(), along with compile reports (also  
known as <a  
Story of Your Compile</a>) allows you to chunk your GWT code into multiple  
fragments for faster startup. Imagine having to download a whole movie  
before being able to watch it. Well, that's what you have to do with most  
Ajax apps these days -- download the whole thing before using it. With code  
splitting, you can arrange to load just the minimum script needed to get  
the application running and the user interacting, while the rest of the app  
is downloaded as needed.
+<dt>Declarative User Interfaces with !UiBinder</dt>
+GWT's <a  
now allows you to create  user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously,  
widgets had to be created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of  
code. Now, you can use XML to declare your UI, making the code more  
readable, easier to maintain, and faster to develop. The Mail sample has  
been updated to show a practical example of using !UiBinder.
+<dt>Bundling of Resources via <a  
+GWT introduced <a  
in 1.4 to provide automatic spriting of images. !ClientBundle generalizes  
this technique, bringing the power of combining and optimizing resources  
into one download to things like text files, CSS, and XML. This means fewer  
network round trips, which in turn can decrease application latency --  
especially on mobile applications.
+<dt>Simplified Unit Testing with !HtmlUnit</dt>
+Using !HtmlUnit for running test cases based on <a  
Prior to 2.0, GWTTestCase relied on SWT and native code versions of actual  
browsers to run unit tests. As a result, running unit tests required  
starting an actual browser. As of 2.0, GWTTestCase no longer uses SWT or  
native code. Instead, it uses !HtmlUnit as the built-in browser.  
Because !HtmlUnit is written entirely in the Java language, there is no  
longer any native code involved in typical test-driven development.  
Debugging GWT Tests in development mode can be done entirely in a Java  
+=== Major New Features in the Google Plugin for Eclipse ===
+<dt>Development Mode Launch View</dt>
+Integrates your Development Mode logs right into Eclipse, which means one  
less window to shuffle around
+<dt>!UiBinder Support</dt>
+The !UiBinder template editor provides auto-completion and formatting for  
editing ui.xml files (and embedded CSS blocks)<br/>
+Validation of UiBinder templates and backing Java classes<br/>
+New UiBinder wizard to quickly get started
+<dt>!ClientBundle Support</dt>
+"New !ClientBundle" wizard to bundle CSS and other resources together to  
minimize HTTP round-trips<br/>
+As-you-type validation ensures that your app's static resources are always  
in the right place
+<dt>RPC Refactoring</dt>
+Automatically updates sync/async pairs of RPC interfaces and their methods
+<dt>JNSI Reference Auto-completion</dt>
+Auto-completion takes the pain out of referencing Java members from JSNI  

  === Getting Started with Development Mode ===
  ==== Step 1: Start Development Mode ====
@@ -24,9 +119,9 @@
  Using a browser with the GWT Developer Plugin, please browse to
  the following URL:
-  http://localhost:8888/Hello.html?gwt.codesvr=
+  ``
-(the `` is simply the IP address of localhost)
+(where `` is your own IP address)
  That's because you're now in control over which target browser launches  
and when.

@@ -35,6 +130,10 @@

  If this is the first time you've ever attempt to use development mode with  
that browser, you will not yet have the GWT Developer Plugin installed, so  
you'll see a page that instructs you to install the plugin. Once you  
download and install the plugin, restart the browser and navigate again to  
the URL from above, making sure it includes the `gwt.codesvr` query  

+When installing the GWT Developer Plugin on Windows 7, certain  
configurations may require you to explicitly save the installer as a file  
and then "Run as Administrator".
  Note that the first time you access your GWT module from a browser, it may  
appear to hang momentarily as your module loads. This is normal. Subsequent  
refreshes within the browser are much faster as long as you keep the  
development mode session running.

  ==== Step 3: Follow the Edit/Save/Refresh cycle without restarting  
development mode  ====
@@ -45,12 +144,10 @@
  ==== Step 4: Open additional browsers for testing  ====
  You can open any number of additional browsers to ensure your application  
behaves properly across browsers.

  === Breaking changes and known issues/bugs/problems ===
    * Prior to 2.0, GWT tools such as the compiler were provide in a  
platform-specific jar (that is, with names like `gwt-dev-windows.jar`). As  
of 2.0, GWT tools are no longer platform specific and they reside in  
generically-named `gwt-dev.jar`. You are quite likely to have to update  
build scripts to remove the platform-specific suffix, but that's the extent  
of it.
    * The development mode entry point has changed a few times since GWT  
1.0. It was originally called `GWTShell`, and in GWT 1.6 a replacement  
entry point called `HostedMode` was introduced. As of GWT 2.0, to reflect  
the new "development mode" terminology, the new entry point for development  
mode is ``. Sorry to keep changing that on ya,  
but the good news is that the prior entry point still works. But, to really  
stay current, we recommend you switch to the new `DevMode` entry point.
    * Also due to the "development mode" terminology change, the name of the  
ant build target produced by `webAppCreator` has changed from `hosted` to  
`devmode`. In other words, to start development mode from the command-line,  
type `ant devmode`.
    * !HtmlUnit does not attempt to emulate authentic browser layout.  
Consequently, tests that are sensitive to browser layout are very likely to  
fail. However, since GWTTestCase supports other methods of running tests,  
such as Selenium, that do support accurate layout testing, it can still  
make sense to keep layout-sensitive tests in the same test case as  
non-layout-sensitive tests. If you want such tests to be ignored  
by !HtmlUnit, simply annotate the test methods with  
@!DoNotRunWith({Platform.!HtmlUnit}). Versions of Google Plugin for Eclipse  
prior to 1.2 will only allow you to add GWT release directories that  
include a file with a name like `gwt-dev-windows.jar`. You can fool it by  
sym linking or copying gwt-dev.jar to the appropriate name.
    * The way arguments are passed to the GWT testing infrastructure has  
been revamped. There is now a consistent syntax to support arbitrary "run  
styles", including user-written, with no changes to GWT itself. For  
example, `-selenium FF3` has become `-runStyle selenium:FF3`. This change  
likely does not affect typical test invocation scripts, but if you do use  
`-Dgwt.args` to pass arguments to GWTTestCase, be aware that you may need  
to make some changes.
+  * When using !ClientBundle, be aware that images using alpha  
transparency do not appear transparent in IE6. The Mail sample application  
included in the GWT distribution currently suffers from this limitation  
(that is, the images have opaque backgrounds when viewed on IE6).


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