A quick and dirty test on Mac/Safari shows that the output of "Hello
World! " + 3.1415926535E-20 + " " + 123456789 is not sensitive to the system
locale setting.  The numerical output uses a '.' and a lower-case 'e'.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Daniel Rice (דניאל רייס)

>  My thinking is that unless we provide an implementation of
> Double.toString, we are best off trying to be consistent with the
> implementation at hand.  If we use Double.toString (i.e., just Javascript
> native double-to-string conversion) some of the time, and use arithmetic ops
> to extract fractional digits some of the time, we will always see corner
> cases where things don't match.  If we use Double.toString and extract
> digits from that, at least the answers form a consistent set.
>   I take your point that we can't rely on the specific characters '.' and
> 'E'.  Perhaps we can add some code to infer the right characters (caching
> them after they have been determined), or validate some heuristic such as
> 'digit=[0-9], exponential separator=[A-Za-z], decimal point=[anything
> else]'.
> Dan
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:14 PM, <j...@google.com> wrote:
>> There is a big overriding issue I am concerned about.  I have not gone
>> over all the logic until that is answered, but overall I am not sure
>> this is better than improving the current approach.
>> http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/97812/diff/1/2
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/NumberFormat.java (right):
>> http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/97812/diff/1/2#newcode1323
>> Line 1323: String digits = Double.toString(number);
>> This essentially reduces to "" + number in JS -- how certain are we that
>> the result is sufficiently predictable across all browsers and locales
>> that we can get the correct result.  For example, what happens in
>> locales that use different decimal/comma separators, or something
>> besides E for exponential notation?
>> I am very leery of relying on this behavior.
>> http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/97812


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