@jgw, rjrjr,

> You can use all kinds of inline-block
> hackery (since its cross-browser support is poor), but even that breaks down
> under various circumstances.

Which is what I was trying to avoid by going completely table-less.

> VerticalPanel, on the other hand, is less useful (I find, anyway). You can
> almost always just stack up block-level elements in a div (in other words,
> just shove most any widget in a FlowPanel) and get the effect of a
> VerticalPanel without all the table stuff.

However, I hit a dead-end with nesting TabLayoutPanel in a FlowPanel.
The dummy latin text in the following ui.xml never shows up (the tabs
are there, and clickable, but none of their child content displays):

==== NestedFlowTabLayoutPanel.ui.xml ====


  <ui:style src='NestedTabLayoutPanel.css'/>

  <g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'>
        <g:north size='5'>
                <g:east size='2'>
                <g:south size='2'>
                <g:west size='12'>
                <g:center size='2'>             
                          <g:TabLayoutPanel ui:field="tabLayoutPanel" 
                                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
consectetur adipiscing elit.
                                                In consequat, odio non 
tincidunt ornare.
                                <g:tab><g:header>The Other</g:header>
                                         <g:HTML>the other</g:HTML></g:tab>

On the other hand, nesting a TabLayoutPanel in a LayoutPanel with
layers seems to work better, except for the aforementioned rendering
problem of layers sitting right on top of layers.

I think I changed my question: Are we seeing a bug in TabLayoutPanel
that makes it render improperly if nested in a table-based widget like
VerticalPanel or HorizontalPanel?



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