The last two lines of the entry point code should read:

        GWT.log(impl.getElement().getInnerHTML(), null);

That was a copy/paste problem on the post and not in my code. So the
problem isn't that...   ;-)

On Dec 12, 5:55 pm, jarrod <> wrote:
> I created a widget to embed a Java applet in my web page. Since IE
> requires an <object> tag while other browsers need a <embed> tag, I
> used deferred binding to get the correct implementation and used
> UiBinder to setup the HTML. However, in IE, when the Widget is
> inserted into the page, the HTML is way off from what I wrote and
> sadly the extra applet params that need to be passed to my applet are
> not passed.
> Here's my widget's ui.xml:
> <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''>
>     <div>
>             <object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
>                 name="Uploader" width="100%" height="350"
>                 codebase="
>                 <param name="code"
> value="org.jets3t.apps.uploader.Uploader.class" />
>                 <param name="codebase" value="." />
>                 <param name="archive"
>                     value="uploader-0.7.1-signed.jar,jets3t-0.7.1-
> signed.jar,jets3t-gui-0.7.1-signed.jar,commons-codec-1.3-
> signed.jar,commons-httpclient-3.1-signed.jar,commons-logging-1.1.1-
> signed.jar" />
>                 <param name="type" value="application/x-java-
> applet;version=1.6" />
>                 <param name="scriptable" value="false" />
>                 <param name="mayscript" value="false" />
>                 <param ui:field="uriParam" name="uri" value="" />
>                 <param ui:field="tokenParam" name="token" value="" />
>                 No Java Support.
>             </object>
>     </div>
> </ui:UiBinder>
> I need to be able to set the value of the 'uri' and 'token' params, so
> I grab a reference to those with UiBinder. Here's my widget code:
> public class UploaderWidgetImplIE extends UploaderWidgetImpl {
>     interface Binder extends UiBinder<DivElement,
> UploaderWidgetImplIE> {
>     };
>     private static final Binder binder = GWT.create(Binder.class);
>     @UiField
>     ParamElement tokenParam;
>     @UiField
>     ParamElement uriParam;
>     UploaderWidgetImplIE() {
>         setElement(binder.createAndBindUi(this));
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void setToken(String token) {
>         this.tokenParam.setValue(token);
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void setUri(String uri) {
>         this.uriParam.setValue(uri);
>     }
> }
> And finally, my entry point to tie this all together:
>     public void onModuleLoad() {
>         String eventUri = Window.Location.getParameter("uri");
>         String token = Window.Location.getParameter("token");
>         UploaderWidgetImpl impl = GWT.create
> (UploaderWidgetImpl.class);
>         impl.setUri(uri);
>         impl.setToken(token);
>         GWT.log(uploader.getElement().getInnerHTML(), null);
>         RootPanel.get("uploader").add(uploader);
>     }
> Now the bizarre part: The GWT.log() statement there prints the
> following to the console:
> <OBJECT name=Uploader codeBase="
>,0,0,1" classid=clsid:
> 8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93 width="100%" height=350><PARAM
> NAME="_cx" VALUE="5080"><PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="5080"> No Java
> Support. </OBJECT>
> Where in the heck did the rest of my HTML go? It's the same thing if I
> print this out again after the widget is placed into the DOM. Even
> though the HTML printed here does NOT contain information about the
> Applet's main class or classpath entries, the applet does start,
> albeit without my 'uri' and 'token' parameters. If I use IE8's
> developer tools to inspect the DOM, it shows me the correct HTML has
> been added to the DOM.
> So what's going on here? Any ideas?


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