Comment by Guys, check the other post on client bundle, {...@nenchev / @shahidzaman}, I answered both your questions there. @whoever-asked-about-resetting-rules, I have some custom implementation that allows for dynamic / updateable rules. Remember that all IE browsers only allow a max of 31 stylesheets {inline or link}, even in IE8 {would 63 kill them, honestly?}. Also, there is no reliable way to remove style elements properly in all browsers, so instead I store and clear StyleElements manually. My implementation uses a few custom data classes and whatnot, but you can get the important bits you'll need from it.
if (styles.xHas( id )){ StyleElement el = styles.xCast( id ); //my own native JS map class. Use hashmap try{ Text txt = Document.get().createTextNode( "."+id+"{" +toWrite.xGetStr( i )+ "}" );//id is a class name used in css, and as style element id for(int o = el.getChildCount();o-->0;el.removeChild( el.getChild( o ) )); //To clear elements, just remove all text nodes xRNA asRna = el.cast(); //This is my custom js object. if (asRna.xFalse( "styleSheet" )) //If styleElement has styleSheet property... el.appendChild( txt ); //We must add style as text node else asRna.xGetRna( "styleSheet" ).xSetStr( "cssText" , txt.getNodeValue() ); //This gets the styleSheet js object, and sets the cssText property as a String }catch(Throwable e){GWT.log( "ack" , e );} } If this confuses you, I can make up a jar for anyone who wants to use it. For more information: --