I've been trying to usw the new TabLayoutPanel for different layouts.
Here are my findings:

1. The .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs style gets applied to the wrapper
element with width set to >16000 px. This makes it impossible to
create a border around the tab bar.
As a workaround I had to apply a style to wrapper element like this:
((Element) tabPanel.getElement().getChild(1)).setClassName(".gwt-
This is very ugly and will fail as soon as the TabLayoutPanel impl
Please consider applying the ".gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs" style to the
appropriate wrapper element.

2. The setStyle(Primary)Name methods will not change the substyles.
When using different TabLayoutPanels with different styles in the same
application you'll have to overwrite each css property as you'll
inherit all styles by default. It would be much better to change all
substyles as it has been the case with the "old" gwt widgets or - even
better - to pass a ClientBundle defining all styles as an optional
argument to the cstr of the TabLayoutPanel.
A default style factory could provide default styles if no
ClientBundle is provided. Replacing the default style factory using
deferred binding could make the default styles themable.
I've used this approach in my own app and it works fine.

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