I'm posting to contributors because I think I'm much more likely to
get an answer on compilation details here; I hope that's appropriate.

If a pre-linker were to remove all CompilationResults from the
artifact set, modify the contents of string literals within their js
code (with valid results), create new StandardCompilationResults with
the modified code and new strongNames (but the same
serializedSymbolMaps, statementRanges, and permutationIds), and then
add them to the outgoing artifact set, would there be any side
effects? Would the rest of the build system (including soyc) be
disturbed at all?

More specifically, I'm generating a Java class with a placeholder
string in it, then replacing that string in compilation results via a
(pre) Linker. The replacement string isn't known until link time, and
it's important that the resulting artifact have a strong name based in
part upon the replacement.

The promise of Linkers seems to imply this is fine, but I can't find
any examples of a linker modifying CompilationResults and emitting
them as new CompilationResults. Obviously this process would not work
with or would miss CompilationResults which aren't
StandardCompilationResults, but that's fine for now. Are there other
assumptions/guarantees made when creating CompilationResults that
wouldn't be replicated?


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