Revision: 7684
Date: Fri Mar  5 10:33:58 2010
Log: Edited wiki page through web user interface.


--- /wiki/   Fri Mar  5 10:32:42 2010
+++ /wiki/   Fri Mar  5 10:33:58 2010
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@

_Hosted mode collections implementations can differ, if necessary, from web mode._ This follows from the previous point but is also practical — because the development mode browser plug-in (was OOPHM) is based on IPC, it may simply be harmfully slow to implement hosted mode collections using JSNI.

-_Publish and guarantee time complexity for various operations._
+_Publish and guarantee time complexity for various operations._ That is, publish via documentation and enforce empirically by monitoring automated benchmarking tests.

_Keep implementations locked down._ Because it's very tricky to get the implementations for these sorts of collections just right, the plan is to minimize ways in which there could be confusion about the implementation of a given collection type. More concretely, the key types should be classes rather than interfaces so that their implementation can be restricted to the package in which they are defined. If developers cannot trust that a given collection instance is truly optimal and maintains time complexity guarantees -- as might be the case if collections types were interfaces which could have been implemented "anywhere" -- then they may feel compelled to write defensive code. By locking the implementations down, developers can rely on the behavior of a given collection type.


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