LGTM, just some food for thought.

File plugins/wireshark/packet-gwtcs.c (right):

Line 20: * things like declaring all variables at the beginning of a
Do you mean to avoid declaring all variables at the beginning of the
block or to always declare all variables at the beginning of the block?

Line 40: #define DEFAULT_GWTCS_PORT 9997
this declaration could be externalized  - 9997 is also declared as a
constant in ../common/HostChannel.h

Line 279: gint32 i,j;
The use of i,j below is a bit confusing to me.  To me it would be
clearer to create a third variable to use to walk through the packet
(e.g.  gint32 offset;) or to create  a separate block {} for each case
and give the variables meaningful names.  (personal style: I usually
reserve i,j,k for iterating and would use a different name for storing
temp values read from the packet.)

Line 366: j += 4 + i;
I don't see any bugs, but it seems like you could come up with a little
pattern or macro here to make sure the size you increment j by always
matches the size passed to proto_tree_add_item.

Line 389: #if 0
still need this code?  Maybe just leave a comment instead.



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