On 3/25/10, Daniel Rice (דניאל רייס) <r...@google.com> wrote:
>   I disagree with point (1).  The APIs are not the same, just almost the
> same.  IMHO the builder should have a freeze method while the MutableArray
> should not.  This makes it clear that freezing is a build-time process.  It
> seems to me that this could be done with a little interface inheritance and
> probably wouldn't impact generated code size at all.  Thoughts?

(How exactly would the builder and mutable array classes differ? All
of the points below rest on there not being a meaningful difference.)

I agree it's a little weird not to have a builder, but then again, it
would be weird to have a builder with freeze() instead of create()
that can be called multiple times. To me, it's worse to purport to
follow a pattern people assume they understand intuitively (i.e.
Builder in this case) but then have different functionality (freeze
vs. create) than to simply say, "It's unusual, but easy to learn and
maximally efficient".

And there's also an argument to be made that fewer classes are easier,
all else being equal. Which would favor not having a builder that is
quite redundant to mutable array.

-- Bruce


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