Revision: 8112
Date: Wed May 12 08:52:43 2010
Log: Ant tests for bikeshed/

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--- /branches/2.1/bikeshed/build.xml    Tue May  4 09:58:17 2010
+++ /branches/2.1/bikeshed/build.xml    Wed May 12 08:52:43 2010
@@ -8,15 +8,42 @@
<property.ensure name="" location="${}/gwt-dev.jar" /> <property.ensure name="gwt.user.jar" location="${}/gwt-user.jar" />

+  <property name="test.timeout" value="4" />
+  <property name="emma.merged.out" value="${junit.out}/emma-coverage" />
+ <property name="gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes" value="${gwt.junit.testcase.includes}" />
+  <property name="gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes" value="" />
+ <property name="" value="${gwt.junit.testcase.includes}" />
+  <property name="" value="" />
+  <!--
+    Classpaths added for test cases
+  -->
+  <path id="test.extraclasspath">
+    <pathelement location="${}/out/dev/bin-test" />
+    <pathelement location="test-super" />
+    <pathelement location="${}/cglib/cglib-2.2.jar"/>
+    <pathelement location="${}/easymock/easymock.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="${}/easymock/easymockclassextension.jar"/>
+    <pathelement location="${}/objectweb/asm-3.1.jar"/>
+    <pathelement location="${gwt.user.jar}" />
+  </path>
   <target name="checkstyle" description="Static analysis of source">
       <fileset dir="src" />
+      <fileset dir="super" />
       <fileset dir="test">
         <include name="com/google/**/*.java" />
         <include name="test/**" />
+      <fileset dir="test-super">
+        <include name="com/google/**/*.java" />
+      </fileset>

@@ -42,4 +69,535 @@

+  <!--
+      Compiles the test code for this project
+  -->
+  <target name="compile.tests"
+      unless="compile.tests.complete">
+    <mkdir dir="${javac.junit.out}" />
+    <gwt.javac srcdir="test" destdir="${javac.junit.out}">
+      <classpath>
+        <pathelement location="${javac.out}" />
+        <pathelement location="${}/out/dev/bin-test" />
+ <pathelement location="${}/tomcat/servlet-api-2.5.jar" />
+        <pathelement location="${}/junit/junit-3.8.1.jar" />
+ <pathelement location="${}/selenium/selenium-java-client-driver.jar" />
+       <pathelement location="${}/cglib/cglib-2.2.jar"/>
+       <pathelement location="${}/easymock/easymock.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="${}/easymock/easymockclassextension.jar"/>
+       <pathelement location="${}/objectweb/asm-3.1.jar"/>
+        <pathelement location="${}" />
+        <pathelement location="${gwt.user.jar}" />
+      </classpath>
+    </gwt.javac>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.remoteweb" depends="test.web.remote">
+ <echo message="DEPRECATED: test.remoteweb has been renamed test.web.remote"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.web.remote"
+      description="Run web test with remote browsers"
+      if="gwt.hosts.web.remote"
+      unless="test.web.remote.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing web remote testing at ${gwt.hosts.web.remote}" /> + <property name="test.web.remote.args" value="${test.args.web.remote}" />
+    <fileset id="test.web.remote.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.web.remote"
+ test.args="${test.web.remote.args} -out www -prod -standardsMode -runStyle RemoteWeb:${gwt.hosts.web.remote}"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/web-remote"
+        test.cases="test.web.remote.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name=""
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run dev-mode tests with remote browsers"
+      if=""
+      unless="">
+ <echo message="Performing dev-mode remote testing at ${gwt.remote.browsers}" /> + <property name="" value="${}" />
+    <fileset id="" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+      includes="${}"
+      excludes="${}" />
+    <gwt.junit""
+ test.args="${} -out www -standardsMode -runStyle RemoteWeb:${}" + test.out="${junit.out}/dev-remote" test.cases="" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.emma.remote"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run emma tests with remote browsers"
+      if=""
+      unless="test.emma.remote.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing emma remote testing at ${}" /> + <property name="test.emma.remote.args" value="${}" />
+    <fileset id="test.emma.remote.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${}"
+        excludes="${}" />
+      <gwt.junit"test.emma.remote"
+ test.args="${test.emma.remote.args} -out www -standardsMode -runStyle RemoteWeb:${}"
+          test.out="${junit.out}/emma-remote"
+          test.cases="test.emma.remote.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+        <pathelement location="${}/emma/emma.jar" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.emma.selenium"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run emma tests with Selenium-RC servers"
+      if=""
+      unless="test.emma.selenium.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing emma selenium testing at ${}" /> + <property name="test.emma.selenium.args" value="${}" />
+    <fileset id="test.emma.selenium.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${}"
+        excludes="${}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.emma.selenium"
+ test.args='${test.emma.selenium.args} -out www -standardsMode -runStyle "Selenium:${}"'
+        test.out="${junit.out}/emma-selenium"
+        test.cases="test.emma.selenium.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+        <pathelement location="${}/emma/emma.jar" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.draft.remote"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run draft compiled tests with remote browsers"
+      if="gwt.hosts.web.remote"
+      unless="test.draft.remote.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing draft remote testing at ${gwt.hosts.web.remote}" /> + <property name="test.draft.remote.args" value="${test.args.web.remote}" />
+    <fileset id="test.draft.remote.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.draft.remote"
+ test.args="${test.draft.remote.args} -draftCompile -prod -standardsMode -out www -runStyle RemoteWeb:${gwt.hosts.web.remote}"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/draft-remote"
+        test.cases="test.draft.remote.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.nometa.remote"
+      description="Run -XdisableClassMetadata tests with remote browsers"
+      if="gwt.hosts.web.remote"
+      unless="test.nometa.remote.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing nometa remote testing at ${gwt.hosts.web.remote}" /> + <property name="test.nometa.remote.args" value="${test.args.web.remote}" />
+    <fileset id="test.nometa.remote.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.nometa.remote"
+ test.args="${test.nometa.remote.args} -XdisableClassMetadata -prod -standardsMode -out www -runStyle RemoteWeb:${gwt.hosts.web.remote}"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/nometa-remote"
+        test.cases="test.nometa.remote.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.selenium" depends="test.web.selenium">
+ <echo message="DEPRECATED: test.selenium has been renamed test.web.selenium"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.web.selenium"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run web tests using Selenium RC"
+      if="gwt.hosts.web.selenium"
+      unless="test.web.selenium.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing web testing using Selenium RC at ${gwt.hosts.web.selenium}" /> + <property name="test.web.selenium.args" value="${test.args.web.selenium}" />
+    <fileset id="test.web.selenium.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.web.selenium"
+ test.args='${test.web.selenium.args} -prod -out www -standardsMode -runStyle "Selenium:${gwt.hosts.web.selenium}"'
+        test.out="${junit.out}/web-selenium"
+        test.cases="test.web.selenium.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name=""
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run dev-mode tests using Selenium RC servers"
+      if=""
+      unless="">
+ <echo message="Performing dev-mode testing using Selenium RC at ${}" /> + <property name="" value="${}" />
+    <fileset id="" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${}"
+        excludes="${}" />
+    <gwt.junit""
+ test.args='${} -out www -standardsMode -runStyle "Selenium:${}"'
+        test.out="${junit.out}/dev-selenium"
+        test.cases="" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.nometa.selenium"
+      description="Run nometa tests using Selenium RC"
+      if="gwt.hosts.web.selenium"
+      unless="test.nometa.selenium.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing nometa testing using Selenium RC at ${gwt.hosts.web.selenium}" />
+    <property name="test.nometa.selenium.args"
+        value="${test.args.web.selenium}" />
+    <fileset id="test.nometa.selenium.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.nometa.selenium"
+ test.args='${test.nometa.selenium.args} -XdisableClassMetadata -prod -standardsMode -out www -runStyle "Selenium:${gwt.hosts.web.selenium}"'
+        test.out="${junit.out}/nometa-selenium"
+        test.cases="test.nometa.selenium.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.draft.selenium"
+      description="Run draft compiled tests using Selenium RC"
+      if="gwt.hosts.web.selenium"
+      unless="test.draft.selenium.disable">
+ <echo message="Performing draft testing using Selenium RC at ${gwt.hosts.web.selenium}" />
+    <property name="test.draft.selenium.args"
+        value="${test.args.web.selenium}" />
+    <fileset id="test.draft.selenium.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.draft.selenium"
+ test.args='${test.draft.selenium.args} -draftCompile -prod -out www -standardsMode -runStyle "Selenium:${gwt.hosts.web.selenium}"'
+        test.out="${junit.out}/draft-selenium"
+        test.cases="test.draft.selenium.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.emma.htmlunit"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run emma tests with HtmlUnit"
+      unless="test.emma.htmlunit.disable">
+      <fileset id="test.emma.htmlunit.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+          includes="${}"
+          excludes="${}" />
+      <gwt.junit"test.emma.htmlunit"
+          test.args="${test.args} -standardsMode "
+          test.out="${junit.out}/emma-htmlunit"
+          test.cases="test.emma.htmlunit.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+        <pathelement location="${}/emma/emma.jar" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name=""
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run dev-mode tests with HtmlUnit."
+      unless="">
+    <fileset id="" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${}"
+        excludes="${}" />
+    <gwt.junit""
+        test.args="${test.args} -standardsMode "
+        test.out="${junit.out}/dev-htmlunit"
+        test.cases="" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.hosted.emma" depends="test.emma">
+ <echo message="DEPRECATED: test.hosted.emma has been renamed test.emma"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.hosted" depends="">
+    <echo message="DEPRECATED: test.hosted has been renamed"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.noserver"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run noserver tests for this project."
+      unless="test.noserver.disable">
+    <fileset id="test.noserver.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.noserver.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.noserver.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.noserver"
+        test.args="${test.args} -prod -standardsMode -noserver"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/noserver" test.cases="test.noserver.tests">
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.web.htmlunit"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run web-mode tests with HtmlUnit."
+      unless="test.web.htmlunit.disable">
+    <fileset id="test.web.htmlunit.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.web.htmlunit"
+        test.args="${test.args} -out www -prod -standardsMode"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/web-htmlunit"
+        test.cases="test.web.htmlunit.tests">
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.nometa.htmlunit"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run -XdisableClassMetadata tests with HtmlUnit."
+      unless="test.nometa.htmlunit.disable">
+    <fileset id="test.nometa.htmlunit.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.nometa.htmlunit"
+ test.args="${test.args} -XdisableClassMetadata -out www -prod -standardsMode"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/nometa-htmlunit"
+        test.cases="test.nometa.htmlunit.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.draft.htmlunit"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+ description="Run draft compiled HtmlUnit tests (no batching on purpose)"
+      unless="test.draft.htmlunit.disable">
+    <fileset id="test.draft.htmlunit.tests" dir="${javac.junit.out}"
+        includes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes}"
+        excludes="${gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes}" />
+    <gwt.junit"test.draft.htmlunit"
+ test.args="${test.args} -draftCompile -out www -prod -standardsMode"
+        test.out="${junit.out}/draft-htmlunit"
+        test.cases="test.draft.htmlunit.tests" >
+      <extraclasspaths>
+        <path refid="test.extraclasspath" />
+      </extraclasspaths>
+    </gwt.junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run all tests for this project.">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property.ensure name="distro.built" location="${}"
+ message="GWT must be built before performing any tests. This can be fixed by running ant in the ${gwt.root} directory." />
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <!--
+ The remote targets must be run sequentially or BrowserManager will queue
+        requests, which will cause some tests to timeout while waiting.
+      -->
+      <sequential>
+        <antcall target=""/>
+        <antcall target="test.emma.remote"/>
+        <antcall target="test.web.remote"/>
+        <antcall target="test.draft.remote"/>
+        <antcall target="test.nometa.remote"/>
+      </sequential>
+      <antcall target=""/>
+      <antcall target="test.emma.selenium"/>
+      <antcall target="test.web.selenium"/>
+      <antcall target="test.draft.selenium"/>
+      <antcall target="test.nometa.selenium"/>
+      <antcall target="test.noserver"/>
+      <antcall target=""/>
+      <antcall target="test.emma.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.web.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.draft.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.nometa.htmlunit"/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.htmlunit"
+    depends="compile, compile.tests"
+    description="Run all HtmlUnit tests">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property.ensure name="distro.built" location="${}"
+ message="GWT must be built before performing any tests. This can be fixed by running ant in the ${gwt.root} directory." />
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <antcall target=""/>
+      <antcall target="test.emma.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.web.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.draft.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.nometa.htmlunit"/>
+      <antcall target="test.noserver"/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <target name=""
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run dev-mode tests for this project.">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <antcall target=""/>
+      <!-- no-op unless is defined -->
+      <antcall target=""/>
+      <!-- no-op unless is defined -->
+      <antcall target=""/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.web"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run web-mode tests for this project.">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <antcall target="test.web.htmlunit"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless gwt.hosts.web.remote is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.web.remote"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless gwt.hosts.web.selenium is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.web.selenium"/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.emma"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run emma tests for this project.">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <antcall target="test.emma.htmlunit"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.emma.remote"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.emma.selenium"/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.draft"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run draft compiled tests for this project.">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <antcall target="test.draft.htmlunit"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless gwt.hosts.web.remote is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.draft.remote"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless gwt.hosts.web.selenium is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.draft.selenium"/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test.nometa"
+      depends="compile, compile.tests"
+      description="Run -XdisableClassMetadata tests for this project.">
+    <!-- Prevent compilation for every target. -->
+    <property name="compile.complete" value="true"/>
+    <property name="compile.tests.complete" value="true"/>
+    <limit failonerror="true" hours="${test.timeout}">
+    <parallel threadsPerProcessor="${gwt.threadsPerProcessor}"
+        threadCount="${gwt.threadCount}">
+      <antcall target="test.web.htmlunit"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless gwt.hosts.web.remote is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.nometa.remote"/>
+      <!-- no-op unless gwt.hosts.web.selenium is defined -->
+      <antcall target="test.nometa.selenium"/>
+    </parallel>
+    </limit>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+      Merges coverage data for the entire project
+  -->
+  <target name="emma.merge">
+    <delete dir="${emma.merged.out}" />
+    <mkdir dir="${emma.merged.out}" />
+    <emma>
+      <merge outfile="${emma.merged.out}/merged.emma" >
+        <fileset dir="${junit.out}" >
+          <include name="**/*.emma" />
+          <exclude name="${emma.merged.out}/merged.emma" />
+        </fileset>
+      </merge>
+    </emma>
+    <emma>
+      <report sourcepath="${project.classpath.src}">
+        <fileset file="${javac.emma.out}/metadata.emma" />
+        <fileset file="${emma.merged.out}/merged.emma" />
+        <txt outfile="${emma.merged.out}/coverage.txt" />
+        <html outfile="${emma.merged.out}/coverage.html" />
+        <xml outfile="${emma.merged.out}/coverage.xml" />
+      </report>
+    </emma>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean"
+      description="Cleans this project's intermediate and output files">
+    <delete dir="${}" />
+    <delete file="${project.lib}" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="presubmit" depends="test, checkstyle"
+ description="runs the gwt api checker, user checkstyle, and user tests">
+    <gwt.ant dir=".." target="apicheck-nobuild"/>
+  </target>


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