That's all basically correct. The VerticalPanel alignment methods are a
little funky to reimplement in FlowPanel -- someone would have to sit down
and actually try all the cases to make sure they work (I'm fairly sure
text-alignment: will do it, but I'd need to confirm).

Le 3 juin 2010 12:11, Ray Ryan <> a écrit :

> So that'd mean deprecating DockPanel, SplitPanel, TabPanel and
> VerticalPanel. Any others? We shouldn't deprecate RootPanel, right?
> The deprecation language will probably need to point out that the new
> panels aren't just drop in replacements — that they require standards mode,
> and are most easily used under a RootLayoutPanel. Is that accurate? Anything
> else to say?
> For VerticalPanel, we'd tell them to use FlowPanel instead, but what could
> we tell them about its alignment methods? Is there generic advice to offer
> for doing that kind of thing in a FlowPanel?
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Joel Webber <> wrote:
>> Well... HorizontalPanel is still useful in some instances, and we have no
>> way of providing the same behavior in a general way because CSS layout is a
>> bloody mess. I'd be ok with deprecating the others (StackPanel, TabPanel,
>> VerticalPanel, and DockPanel) though.
>> Le 26 mai 2010 11:36, Ray Ryan <> a écrit :
>>>  Joel, can we  @Deprecate all the redundant non-flow panels yet? It's
>>> getting harder and harder for people to discover the right thing to do.
>>> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Joel Webber <> wrote:
>>>> The FlowPanel (just a simple <div> that leaves its children's styles
>>>> unmodified) already allows you to do this. For the vertical case, this 
>>>> tends
>>>> to happen naturally with block-level children.
>>>> The horizontal case is trickier, however. Using float:left captures
>>>> some, but definitely not all cases (vertical alignment is quite hard).
>>>> inline-block isn't supported on all browsers (and has behavior quirks even
>>>> on modern browsers). Basically, there's no simple answer that actually 
>>>> works
>>>> across browsers, so we haven't yet tried to offer a widget that does this
>>>> automatically. Your best bet is to actually just use a FlowPanel and style
>>>> its children using the kinds of tricks described in the linked Wikipedia
>>>> article. Maybe one day we'll get hbox/vbox/flexbox across browsers, but
>>>> until then horizontal alignment is extremely difficult to generalize.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> joel.
>>>> Le 25 mai 2010 06:39, Ivo <> a écrit :
>>>> The next GWT Developments, will have alternatives to the VerticalPanel
>>>>> and HorizontalPanel, using no table tags??
>>>>> For instance, the HorizontalPanel could have a alternative named
>>>>> HorizontalFlowPanel, that instead of generate this code:
>>>>> <table>
>>>>>  <tr>
>>>>>  <td>
>>>>>   cell1
>>>>>  </td>
>>>>>  <td>
>>>>>   cell2
>>>>>  </td>
>>>>>  </tr>
>>>>> </table>
>>>>> Generate that:
>>>>> <div style="float:left">
>>>>>  cell1
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> <div style="float:left">
>>>>>  cell2
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> This alternative is lighter for the browser, and for the developer
>>>>> when we needs to know what code are GWT generating. You have some
>>>>> development in this area?
>>>>> --
>>>>  --
>>>  --
>>  --
>  --


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