The original request was just to have this method on RootPanel, and then I
opened my mouth and broadened its scope. Perhaps that was a mistake? Should
we just ask Marko to define RootPanel#clear(boolean) and declare victory?

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Ray Ryan <> wrote:

> Echoing a conversation that should have happened on contrib:
> jlabanca: This will probably break 
> CellPanel<>,
> and more generally it will break any panel that has a defined inner
> structure (ie, child widgets are not attached to the outermost DOM element).
> CellPanel keeps track of its inner tbody element. If you you clear the
> innerHtml, you'll wipe the tbody element. When you try to add a new element,
> it will be added to the old tbody reference, which no longer exists. I also
> have a feeling that IE will spit fireballs if you even try to set innerHTML
> on a table element.
> DecoratorPanel and DialogBox both have defined structures that would be
> destroyed by the innerHTML call. There may be other panels with a similar
> problem.
> rjrjr: John, would it be a reasonable change if CellPanel, DecoratorPanel
> and DialogBox provided custom overrides for the clear(boolean) method? I
> suspect the answer is that the answer is "too easy to miss other cases, and
> too easy to get wrong with the next fancy panel," but I'd like to hear it
> from you.
> jlabanca: We could safely hit all of the cases in our code, but it'll be a
> pain point for subclasses of Panel, especially for external users who
> already override Panel, which is probably a lot.
> Panel currently makes no assumptions about layout, so the concrete
> implementation probably doesn't belong there. I think we should only add it
> to panels that allow the inner contents to be modified as html, such as
> HtmlPanel and HtmlTable. Other than that, it seems like it would just defer
> to clear() anyway.
> If we have to have a clear() method in PopupPanel, then it should throw an
> UnsupportedOperationException like Panel#add() does. We can add a package
> protected utility method to do the default behavior of clearing the
> innerHtml on the top element. If we do that, I'll vote maybe.
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 7:13 AM, <> wrote:
>> The last patchset seems to be working (both dev and web mode tests have
>> passed).


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