I don't have a particularly strong opinion on the RawWebSocket vs.
RawWebSocketImpl dichotomy, but it might be a bit more abstracted that
necessary. I'm perfectly fine with the WebSocket vs. RawWebSocket
difference, though, because one's a native browser class, while the
other provides a more Java-centric interface.

Where I think there's a breakdown, though, is that the WebSocket*Handler
interface, which seem to be meant to mimic the widget-level event
handlers, actually pass event objects that are JSO subtypes. This is
mixing up the DOM/Java levels of abstraction in a confusing way.

FWIW, I think it might be worth trying to land this in two phases:
1. Native/DOM-only stuff. The rawest possible classes necessary to
interface with WebSocket.
2. Java-friendly wrappers, possibly in a separate package.

This distinction is much like that between XMLHttpRequest (raw native
interface) and RequestBuilder (Java-friendly, & built on top of it).

File user/src/com/google/gwt/websocket/client/RawWebSocket.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/websocket/client/RawWebSocket.java:35: boolean
An alternative to this approach would be to use the standard
EventTarget.addEventListener() signature as described in

It's a little hairier to implement, because of the need to map
EventListener instances back to the lambda that wraps them, but it's
easier on the user.



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