
I found out that using something like addStylename() in an onmouseover
can have really catastrophic effects on performance in IE (6/7 and 8).
In fact IE8 seems to be worse than the older versions. In my
applications the browser locks up for many seconds even minutes
running at 100% CPU. DynaTrace reveals that the browser is busy doing
layout calculations.

For example we were doing a style change when moving the mouse over a
big table. In some situations this would block the browser for many
seconds (sometimes minutes, depending on the complexity of the UI).

If I just directly set the style attribute changes directly in the
code it takes almost no CPU with the same complex UI. The problem here
is that I loose a lot of flexibility in my UI to use CSS to do the
styling (what if I want to change more than just the color for

I know there is something like CssResource, but as I understand it, it
will not solve the issue in this case since I still need to use an

Would there be a way, or wouldn't it be an great Idea, that GWT would
have support in CssResource to copy style attributes from the
CssResouce directly in the styles of the element that I am
targetting ? That way I would not need a addStylename/addClassname but
I still have the flexibility to write down these changes in a CSS

Or did I overlook such a feature ?

As I understood, the declarative UI mechanism in GWT is doing such
things, but in our apps we can not use this.

Best regards,
David Nouls


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