I'm running into the same problem here.
Is there any known solution?

On 15 Jul., 16:09, Marek <marek.romanow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My Eclipse hangs up while startup (showing gwt plugin as actually
> loaded) and while changing run configuration properties pages. I've
> checked for thread dumps while this occured and in my opinion problem
> lies between Google Eclipse Plugin (any from v 1.3.2 and v 1.3.3) and
> Scala plugin (2.8.0-final). Eclipse hangs on thread with stacktrace:
>         at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
>         at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
>         at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.getZipFile(JavaModelManager. 
> java:
> 2453)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragmentRoot.getJar(JarPackageFragm 
> entRoot.java:
> 152)
>         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile.getBytes(ClassFile.java:
> 316)
>         at
> scala.tools.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt.cfprovider.ClassFileProviderAs 
> pect.ajc
> $around
> $scala_tools_eclipse_contribution_weaving_jdt_cfprovider_ClassFileProviderA 
> spect
> $1$9776bbb8(ClassFileProviderAspect.aj:145)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.computeChildren(JarPackage 
> Fragment.java:
> 73)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.buildStructure(JarPackageF 
> ragment.java:
> 54)
> from second dump:
>         at java.util.zip.Inflater.inflateBytes(Native Method)
>         at java.util.zip.Inflater.inflate(Unknown Source)
>         - locked <0x0f9b44f0> (a java.util.zip.ZStreamRef)
>         at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
>         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source)
>         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
>         - locked <0x0f9b94d8> (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getInputStreamAsByteArray(Util. 
> java:
> 345)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getZipEntryByteContent(Util.jav a:
> 511)
>         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile.getBytes(ClassFile.java:
> 320)
>         at
> scala.tools.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt.cfprovider.ClassFileProviderAs 
> pect.ajc
> $around
> $scala_tools_eclipse_contribution_weaving_jdt_cfprovider_ClassFileProviderA 
> spect
> $1$9776bbb8(ClassFileProviderAspect.aj:145)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.computeChildren(JarPackage 
> Fragment.java:
> 73)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.buildStructure(JarPackageF 
> ragment.java:
> 54)
> from third dump:
>         at java.util.zip.ZipFile.close(Native Method)
>         at java.util.zip.ZipFile.close(Unknown Source)
>         - locked <0x0bc6f540> (a java.util.zip.ZipFile)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.closeZipFile(JavaModelManage 
> r.java:
> 1553)
>         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile.getBytes(ClassFile.java:
> 332)
>         at
> scala.tools.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt.cfprovider.ClassFileProviderAs 
> pect.ajc
> $around
> $scala_tools_eclipse_contribution_weaving_jdt_cfprovider_ClassFileProviderA 
> spect
> $1$9776bbb8(ClassFileProviderAspect.aj:145)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.computeChildren(JarPackage 
> Fragment.java:
> 73)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.buildStructure(JarPackageF 
> ragment.java:
> 54)
> So I think problem is in:
>         at
> scala.tools.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt.cfprovider.ClassFileProviderAs 
> pect.ajc
> $around
> $scala_tools_eclipse_contribution_weaving_jdt_cfprovider_ClassFileProviderA 
> spect
> $1$9776bbb8(ClassFileProviderAspect.aj:145)
>         at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment.computeChildren(JarPackage 
> Fragment.java:
> 73)
> Not sure what scala weaves without GEP source code. After uninstalling
> scala, everything works OK.
> I'm not sure is it GEP or Scala bug, so I post it here.


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