Eric, I think that you are on the right track by trying to measure the
effectiveness of each optimization -- even if we need to more data to
increase the accuracy.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Eric Ayers <> wrote:

> I was thinking about how keeping track of the AST size on the fly could be
> expensive and complicated.  The simplest thing to do would be to have to add
> in a separate walk that just counted nodes, maybe once at the head of
> optimizeLoop.  I wrote this dummy code earlier to measure the cost of just a
> walk, and it turns out that walking the tree and counting all nodes is a
> computationally significant amount of work - its like adding an extra
> optimizer.  I didn't want to have too much observer effect if the change is
> just for statistical purposes. (but maybe I could add that walk just in the
> case of having tracing enabled.)
> But I mis-spoke when describing my goal as tuning code size to compile
> time.  I'm really just trying to find ways to shorten the compile time.
> You've  mentioned a couple of times about the optimizations being quadratic
> cost.  I want to use this feature to add an option with a "decent" amount of
> optimization and shave off a significant amount of the compile time.
>  Something between draftCompile and fully optimized.  The decision point to
> opt out of the build to could be specific to each optimizer.   For example,
> if each optimizer declares that isn't doing "much"  through a single or two
> consecutive passes, it might be time to throw in the towel.  We could have
> users specify an optimization level:  -O, -O2, -O3, ... like c compilers and
> gzip do to specify the amount of optimization desired.
> At the water cooler we've speculated that there might be interaction
> between optimizers we can predict.  e.g. dead code elimination isn't going
> to do much if the pruner and type tightener weren't very effective on the
> last pass (I just made that up).  Early in my investigations I was hoping
> that we could just stop calling some of the optimizers that aren't very
> effective after the first few passes, but the only visibility I had was the
> didChange boolean.  Now we could do some statistics gathering on different
> apps and see if that would be worth pursuing.
> -Eric.
> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Ray Cromwell <>wrote:
>> I think it's useful to see the amount of work done vs time spent, but I
>> don't think it will help  automate size-tradeoffs unless you keep track of
>> the size of the AST as well, so that you can see roughly how much it's being
>> reduced each pass. Some optimizations don't really shrink  the AST size, but
>> enable other optimizations. e.g. type tightening, finalizing, and
>> static-fying help method inliner, DCE, and pruner. It would be nice to
>> correlate, for example, with and without those tightening/staticifying
>> passes, how much worst the actual code-deleting passes would be, because
>> that's the only real way if you know they're worth it.
>> Some things have an effect far down the chain, for example, static-methods
>> can be obfuscated better, because 'this' can't be obfuscated, so you don't
>> see the code-size effect symbol obfuscation, as AST size doesn't tell the
>> whole story.
>> -Ray
>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Eric Ayers <> wrote:
>>> I'm looking for feedback on this proposed change, mainly, is the
>>> statistical information worth the added complexity?  Currently, this only
>>> dumps out a diagnostic when you specify
>>> on the Compiler command line.  Here's a sample of what the statistical
>>> output looks like on a minimal GWT app:
>>>       Pass 1  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner 27.94% (  3132/ 11211)    Finalizer 45.64% (  2455/
>>>  5379) MakeCallsStatic  7.94% (   812/ 10229) TypeTightener  2.41% (  1226/
>>> 50966) MethodCallTightener  1.96% (    70/  3569) DeadCodeElimination  1.93%
>>> (  1277/ 66324) MethodInliner 28.84% (  5430/ 18830)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.58% (    44/  7588)
>>>       Pass 2  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner 12.24% (  1089/  8895)    Finalizer  0.09% (     4/
>>>  4400) MakeCallsStatic  2.68% (   182/  6796) TypeTightener  0.80% (   272/
>>> 33915) MethodCallTightener  1.36% (    32/  2353) DeadCodeElimination  0.41%
>>> (   166/ 40201) MethodInliner  9.95% (   956/  9609)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.24% (    14/  5776)
>>>       Pass 3  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  1.79% (   240/ 13392)    Finalizer  0.00% (     0/
>>>  4036) MakeCallsStatic  0.50% (    31/  6221) TypeTightener  0.31% (    62/
>>> 20088) MethodCallTightener  0.05% (     1/  2190) DeadCodeElimination  0.20%
>>> (    74/ 37391) MethodInliner  2.90% (   250/  8608)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.11% (     6/  5325)
>>>       Pass 4  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  0.54% (    57/ 10492)    Finalizer  0.03% (     1/
>>>  3948) MakeCallsStatic  0.02% (     1/  6086) TypeTightener  0.05% (     8/
>>> 14660) MethodCallTightener  0.05% (     1/  2147) DeadCodeElimination  0.47%
>>> (   173/ 36545) MethodInliner  2.07% (   172/  8310)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.02% (     1/  5126)
>>>       Pass 5  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  0.67% (    66/  9896)    Finalizer  0.03% (     1/
>>>  3747) MakeCallsStatic  0.02% (     1/  5732) TypeTightener  0.01% (     2/
>>> 13845) MethodCallTightener  0.00% (     0/  2012) DeadCodeElimination  0.05%
>>> (    19/ 35210) MethodInliner  0.20% (    16/  8001)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.00% (     0/  4976)
>>>       Pass 6  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  0.30% (    22/  7338)    Finalizer  0.00% (     0/
>>>  3695) MakeCallsStatic  0.00% (     0/  5691) TypeTightener  0.07% (     9/
>>> 13660) MethodCallTightener  0.00% (     0/  2001) DeadCodeElimination  0.06%
>>> (    13/ 23220) MethodInliner  0.00% (     0/  2638)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.00% (     0/  4938)
>>>       Pass 7  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  0.10% (     5/  4890)    Finalizer  0.00% (     0/
>>>  3688) MakeCallsStatic  0.04% (     2/  5690) TypeTightener  0.00% (     0/
>>>  4548) MethodCallTightener  0.00% (     0/  2001) DeadCodeElimination  0.00%
>>> (     0/ 11605) MethodInliner  0.38% (    20/  5283)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.00% (     0/  4937)
>>>       Pass 8  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  0.04% (     2/  4886)    Finalizer  0.00% (     0/
>>>  3686) MakeCallsStatic  0.00% (     0/  5684) TypeTightener  0.01% (     1/
>>>  9093) MethodCallTightener  0.00% (     0/  1999) DeadCodeElimination  0.00%
>>> (     0/ 11601) MethodInliner  0.00% (     0/  2634)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.00% (     0/  4933)
>>>       Pass 9  ----  (     0/     0)
>>>               Pruner  0.00% (     0/  2443)    Finalizer  0.00% (     0/
>>>  3686) MakeCallsStatic  0.00% (     0/  5684) TypeTightener  0.00% (     0/
>>>  4546) MethodCallTightener  0.00% (     0/  1999) DeadCodeElimination  0.00%
>>> (     0/ 11601) MethodInliner  0.00% (     0/  2634)
>>> SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.00% (     0/  4933)
>>> DataflowOptimizer  0.46% (     5/  1080)
>>> I think the information is interesting on its own, but it could prove
>>> useful if we decide to implement a compiler option to allow users to make a
>>> compilation time/code size output trade off.  Our current options are either
>>> minimal optimization or maximum possible optimization.  We could probably
>>> cut the production compile down a bit if we had an in-between option (and
>>> maybe made it the default).
>>> In a couple of places, I got rid of the didChange() overload on
>>> JModVisitor subclasses.  I know that there is a difference, I'm wondering if
>>> it is important.
>>> My eclipse environment is a mess - please don't bother with code
>>> formatting feedback until I dig myself out from under it.
>>> -Eric.
>>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:38 PM, <> wrote:
>>>> Reviewers: scottb, robertvawter, cromwellian,
>>>> Description:
>>>> RR: Add statistics to optimizers
>>>> Updates the compiler optimizers to returns statistics about each pass
>>>> instead of a simple boolean.   This could be used to analyze
>>>> the effectiveness of an individual optimizer, tune the compiler
>>>> for code size/ compile time trade offs, or predict the effectiveness
>>>> of future passes of an optimizer.
>>>> Please review this at
>>>> Affected files:
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M
>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/gflow/
>>>>  M
>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/gflow/liveness/
>>>>  M
>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/gflow/unreachable/
>>> --
>>> Eric Z. Ayers
>>> Google Web Toolkit, Atlanta, GA USA
> --
> Eric Z. Ayers
> Google Web Toolkit, Atlanta, GA USA
>  --



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