The biggest problem I have so far with HasDataEditor is that it
completely ignores HasDataEditor mutation of the data source.


HandlerRegistration addRangeChangeHandler(RangeChangeEvent.Handler handler);

HandlerRegistration addRowCountChangeHandler(
      RowCountChangeEvent.Handler handler);

aren't used.  Because of that, it's not able to handle the scenarios
of the inline list that adds or remove items.  In this case, a simple
list of phones.  This list changes if we create a row and it also
changes if we hit the remove button on a row

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Patrick Julien <> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 9:07 PM, BobV <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Patrick Julien <> wrote:
>>> thank you for the clarification, I get it
>> I'm adding a new adapter class to handle this case, since optional
>> fields seems like a common thing to see and implementing it manually
>> requires a lot of boilerplate.
> I think it will see a lot of use.
>>> I don't suppose you have advice for using a mutable CellTable in the
>>> editor framework?
>> Does the HasDataEditor adapter work for you?
> It doesn't, because each row can be edited... but cell table doesn't
> give you access to its rows, only a column format.  Here, the editor
> are actually the cells.  So a button cell is a remove button.  A edit
> text cell is the number and a selection cell is the phone type.
> I can just make a table but cell table added all this work to with
> keyboard, mouse, blur, etc., events.


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