Hi Arthur -
  Yes - we probably could build it, but then you wouldn't be able to
customize any of the aspects of that HTML page. Most people want
something else on that page other than just the GWT module include
(even if it's something as simple as setting the <title> tag in the
head to something specific).  In general, we sort of count on people
who are trying to do semi-advanced optimizations to be able to do some
work, like adding the contents of the nocache.js file to the initial
html file themselves.  Alternatively - you could subclass the linker
and have it do what you want for your specific project since you would
know exactly what other stuff you might want in your particular html

 I also just wanted to reiterate one more time that support for server
side selection is not coming soon.  We are (experimentally) adding the
ability for people do server side selection, assuming that they do
some configuration themselves.  Specifically, you'll have to subclass
the linker to turn on some of the options.  More significantly, you'll
need parse the configuration-mappings.txt file to determine the
correct md5 file and dynamically generate your HTML with a script tag
pointing to that md5 file. Doing this is harder than inlining the
selection script, so if your primary interest is in cutting out one of
the round trips, I'd recommend that you go ahead with getting that
working first.  Although we may add it eventually, there is no current
plan to make server side selection available "out of the box".

- Unnur

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Unnur,
> You're right, gwt doesn't have access to the initial HTML page, but I
> wonder if it'd be possible to build a linker to make that dynamically
> generated page. Doesn't the linker have access to what gets generated
> in the nocache.js? Theoretically you could just output a simple HTML
> page that includes its contents.
> Then again, if this server side selection is coming soon (gwt 2.2?),
> building this linker won't make much sense. Thanks again for all the
> info!
> All the best,
> --
> Arthur Kalmenson
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Unnur Gretarsdottir <unn...@google.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Arthur -
>>  Are you asking if there's an existing linker for the inlining of
>> your selection script? If so, no - the linker has no access to the
>> contents of your initital html page.  What you need to do is, rather
>> than serve a static html page, your server will have to dynamically
>> generate it, by reading the content of the nocache.js file and putting
>> it directly in the html which is served on the initial request.  In
>> theory, if you rarely release your code, you could do this manually -
>> basically, every time you do a gwt compile, manually copy the contents
>> of nocahce.js into the initial html page.
>> - Unnur
>> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> That's a great idea Unnur. Is there an existing linker for this or
>>> would I have to build it (it seems like something the linker would do,
>>> if I understood them correctly)?
>>> --
>>> Arthur Kalmenson
>>> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Unnur Gretarsdottir <unn...@google.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Arthur -
>>>>  This is, and will probably remain for some time, experimental.  In
>>>> order to use this, you'll need to extend the linker and change the
>>>> variable - also, you'll need to write your own server code to parse
>>>> the compilation mappings text file and decide which permutation you
>>>> want to use.  Sorry not to have a better answer - we did want to make
>>>> sure that this new linker is set up to support this sort of linking,
>>>> but it is not currently a feature that we are officially releasing.
>>>> FYI - if your primary concern is the double round trips, as opposed to
>>>> the size of the permutation selection JS, then an easy solution for
>>>> you is to simply inline the foo.nocache.js script into your page
>>>> rather than requesting it using a script tag
>>>> - Unnur
>>>> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Wow, this is great! I'm guessing this means we can cut the startup
>>>>> round trips to one? Is this going into GWT 2.1?
>>>>> Exciting stuff.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Arthur Kalmenson
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 6:09 PM,  <unn...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Reviewers: jgw,
>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>> Add Support for server side script selection in linker
>>>>>> Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/941802/show
>>>>>> Affected files:
>>>>>>  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/PermutationsUtil.java
>>>>>>  A
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/PropertiesMappingArtifact.java
>>>>>>  A
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/ResourceInjectionUtil.java
>>>>>>  M
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/SelectionScriptLinker.java
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/computeScriptBase.js
>>>>>>  M 
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/installLocationIframe.js
>>>>>>  A 
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/installScriptCommon.js
>>>>>>  A 
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/installScriptDirect.js
>>>>>>  A
>>>>>> dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/installScriptEarlyDownload.js
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/permutations.js
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/processMetas.js
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/waitForBodyLoaded.js
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/CrossSiteIframeLinker.java
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/CrossSiteIframeTemplate.js
>>>>>>  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/SingleScriptLinker.java
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
>>>>> --
>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
>>>> --
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
>>> --
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
>> --
>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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