
I've been fiddling with the latest RequestFactory code in gwt trunk. I
keep coming across the following error message: "The domain type
com.mtacit.rmddx.server.model.Email cannot be sent to the client".

This occurs with quite a few of my domain types, in fact the
domainToClientType map in RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator has only 4
entries when it should have about 25. If I understand the code
correctly, the map is populated when requesting client types from the
ReflectiveServiceLayer, usually via a request context method

In my scenario, UserAccount has a List of Emails. The UserAccount
domain type is in the map since it's proxy was referenced in an
earlier request. However, because the Emails are in a collection on
UserAccount, when the UserAccount proxy is validated
(RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator::validateEntityProxy), the Emails
are "skipped". Now when I try to return a UserAccount object,
including Emails, to the client, I get the above error.

Is this a known issue and is there a workaround I can try?




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