Revision: 9225
Date: Mon Nov 15 09:37:23 2010
Log: Edited wiki page DomEventsAndMemoryLeaks through web user interface.


--- /wiki/  Wed Mar  5 15:40:08 2008
+++ /wiki/  Mon Nov 15 09:37:23 2010
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
#summary An explanation of DOM events, memory leaks, and how GWT handles both.

-= DOM Events, Memory Leaks, and You =
-Joel Webber
+_This article is a bit old (but still correct). I've added a more recent writeup at UnderstandingMemoryLeaks, with a bit more advice on dealing with these issues in practice._

You may ask yourself, "Why do I have to use bitfields to sink DOM events?", and you may ask yourself, "Why can I not add event listeners directly to elements?". If you find yourself asking these questions, it's probably time to dig into the murky depths of DOM events and memory leaks.


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