Revision: 9420
Date: Tue Dec 14 08:30:34 2010
Log: updated .msi to the svn checkin revision 9345. copied .msi files to Lorry Omaha does not support platform attribute to allow a single config file. we need to create another product for x64.


--- /trunk/plugins/ie/installer/installer.wxs.xml       Thu Dec  2 07:41:14 2010
+++ /trunk/plugins/ie/installer/installer.wxs.xml       Tue Dec 14 08:30:34 2010
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   <?define upgradeCode = "9a5e649a-ec63-4c7d-99bf-75adb345e7e5" ?>
   <?define win64Flag = "yes" ?>
   <?else ?>
-  <?define upgradeCode = "8B3F15BC-42FB-4e0e-BAC4-1DE8C4AA10FD" ?>
+  <?define upgradeCode = "53DAE7D2-8C28-440F-920B-B2D665CE73B2" ?>
   <?define win64Flag = "no" ?>
   <?endif ?>
<?define updateRegKey = "SOFTWARE\Google\Update\Clients\{$(var.upgradeCode)}" ?>
--- /trunk/plugins/ie/installer/oophm.wxs       Thu Dec  2 07:41:14 2010
+++ /trunk/plugins/ie/installer/oophm.wxs       Tue Dec 14 08:30:34 2010
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
         <ComponentGroup Id="oophmDll">
- <Component Win64="$(var.win64Flag)" Id="cmpC5076456A3EE2DC3FC2683246BE38AD6" Directory="dir315E0C50682DFB472927FE1254A22F6A" Guid="48789066-DDF6-46C5-BF60-408BC872BF05"> + <Component Win64="$(var.win64Flag)" Id="cmpC5076456A3EE2DC3FC2683246BE38AD6" Directory="dir315E0C50682DFB472927FE1254A22F6A" Guid="76483594-CBB8-438C-B777-5ABF473A90F0"> <File Id="filEF78EFE99C26E3436EC9C8852A85BE88" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.binDir)\oophm.dll"> <TypeLib Id="{9259F105-BE55-4BF6-B7CE-D0AA878C1BA6}" Description="oophm 1.0 Type Library" HelpDirectory="dir315E0C50682DFB472927FE1254A22F6A" Language="0" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0"> <AppId Description="oophm" Id="{F9365E53-5A14-47F3-BF1D-10CAAB815309}">
--- /trunk/plugins/ie/prebuilt/gwt-dev-plugin-x64.msi Thu Dec 2 07:41:14 2010 +++ /trunk/plugins/ie/prebuilt/gwt-dev-plugin-x64.msi Tue Dec 14 08:30:34 2010
Binary file, no diff available.
--- /trunk/plugins/ie/prebuilt/gwt-dev-plugin-x86.msi Thu Dec 2 07:41:14 2010 +++ /trunk/plugins/ie/prebuilt/gwt-dev-plugin-x86.msi Tue Dec 14 08:30:34 2010
Binary file, no diff available.


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