On 2010/12/17 19:43:44, Nick Chalko wrote:
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 8:52 AM, <mailto:rchan...@google.com> wrote:

> Compiling the validation sample (with ant) produces the following
> warning (is that intended?):
>     [java]                   [WARN] No ConstraintValidator of

> payloads=[], hasComposingConstraints=false,
> isReportAsSingleInvalidConstraint=false, elementType=FIELD,
> definedOn=DEFINED_LOCALLY, groups=[interface
> javax.validation.groups.Default], attributes={message=Wrong zipcode,
> payload=[Ljava.lang.Class;@10bc5c9,
> for zip of type class java.lang.String
> I assume that you are planning to update the validation app frontend

show Address and Zip fields, right?

Yes the sample needs to be improved,  for now I have just been using
it as a
way to generate condition I am working on, but testing in the TCK.

The warning is cause because Zip it self doesn't specify which
validator to use.  It is a composite constraint and I believe that is

However I have not worked out exactly what the spec says to do.  There
should be a TODO in the code to fix this.

> On 2010/12/17 07:09:22, Nick Chalko wrote:
> http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1231801/show

Generate your java flags for easier testing.
go/java_flags <https://goto.google.com/java_flags>



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