On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Jeff Larsen <larse...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, that is far better, but there still is a problem. With that way of
> doing things is then you've lost your ability to use the .gwt.xml file to
> swap out the Appearance as you're now using a new instead of a GWT.create.

There are still two constructors:
- The default (empty) constructor uses GWT.create()
- A constructor accepting an Appearance. This appearance can be
instantiate with new, if you want to inject a Resources manually, or
with GWT.create if you're happy with the Appearance's default

> Now, addStyleName is very limited since you can only style the wrapping
> <div>. It's good enough to add blank padding, but it wont let you make the
> internal part of the button wider or taller... Unless you use CSS type
> selectors but, as Stephen points out, this makes the app dependent on a
> specific widget style, and the app breaks as soon as this widget DOM
> structure changes. (So you can't easily upgrade to newer styles.)
> In fact, I almost wish CellWidgets did not have a addStyleName given that
> it's really not that useful. I would rather have a slightly richer set of
> semantic styling methods in Appearance and having ways to access them from
> ButtonWidget (and UiBinder).
> All true, I guess if I'm looking to alter the height/width of a cell
> widget's internals or its internal structure I would expect to extend the
> bundle. If I'm just looking to do things like set the float, padding/margine
> addStyleName is the perfect tool. Maybe there is a better way for dealing
> with boilerplate code, maybe with UiBinder as the hook. I'm not sure I'm
> still a little foggy on the best practices when dealing with CssResources
> especially with UiBinder.
> Another option would be an enhancement GEP to make it codegen that
> boilerplate for you. Admittedly it doesn't get rid of the code smell, but it
> does save your fingers some work.

Ok, I think we're on the same page... I guess what I'd like is the
ability to both add semantic styling methods to Appearance (a-la
setFlatLeft, setFlatRight, setInnerWidth...) and to access these
methods from UiBinder.

(Also: GEP?)


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