
I was attempting to reuse HasDataPresenter to drive some stub versions
of CellList/CellTable. I know HasDataPresenter is package private, but
I'm perfectly fine accepting the risk of it changing, as if it's
behavior/interface does change, then the behavior/interface of my stubs
would likely change to.

However, HasDataPresenter currently has a single:


Call that leads to SchedulerImpl.INSTANCE, which is set by a static
GWT.create call.

AFAICT, if I remove this Scheduler.get() reference (and replace it
with a Scheduler cstr parameter/field), HasDataPresenter will have no
more dependencies on anything being GWT.create'd, and I can happily
reuse it for unit tests.

Please let me know if this is a bad idea, or unlikely to be accepted,
otherwise I'll plan on submitting a patch sometime soon.



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