On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Ray Ryan <rj...@google.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:38 AM, John LaBanca <jlaba...@google.com> wrote:
>> I don't think Andrés was asking why they weren't in the gwt package.  He's
>> sking why they are in the com.google.web package if they are usable outside
>> of the web domain.  It seems like we are moving from a very limited package
>> scope to a slightly less limited package scope.
>> I'm sure you've debated this plenty, but since I'm doing the code review,
>> I have to question the package name com.google.web.bindery.
>> com - okay, off to a good start
>> .google - I like it
>> .web - I agree with Andrés here.  Wouldn't a use case be to run this code
>> on the server, or even in an Android app?
> You're reading "web" to mean "HTML." I'm reading it as "app that talks to a
> web service, regardless of what it's written in."
>>  It seems like "web" could be dropped, saving 4 bytes in a lot of files.
> Not an option, I tried. Creating a new sub-package of com.google is not
> something we can do unilaterally.
>> .bindery - What's bindery?  It sounds like its related to UiBinder, but
>> UiBinder is truly cliient one.  Is it the name of the new project?
> From the README file that I clearly need to add:
> bindery is a minimal open source web app framework for GWT
> with experimental support for JRE clients. It is based around an
> app-wide event bus and and an RPC system especially useful for CRUD style
> apps.
> The consistent theme of the code in this package is that it allows
> "binding" decoupled systems in a type safe way with a minimum of
> boilerplate. Thus bindery.
> And yes, it took a very long time to come up with that name.
I don't like it.  No good reason, it just doesn't have a nice ring to it.
 You guys should start over and come up with a better name, preferably a
palindrome.  Maybe com.google.web.rjrjr?

>> If you drop "web", we end up with:
>> com.google.gwt - Libraries used to create GWT applications.
>> com.google.bindary - Useful Google Java libraries, but google provides
>> other libraries, so what is bindary's mission?
>> Thanks,
>> John LaBanca
>> jlaba...@google.com
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Ray Ryan <rj...@google.com> wrote:
>>> We want to be able to experiment with non-GWT clients of web services,
>>> particularly via RequestFactory. But I have to put emphasis on the word
>>> "experiment." Non-GWT won't be a supported path soon, if ever.
>>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Andrés Testi 
>>> <andres.a.te...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Why bindery package is nested in a web package? Are these APIs not
>>>> available for non web applications?
>>>> Regards.
>>>> - Andrés
>>>> On 31 mar, 01:19, rj...@google.com wrote:
>>>> > Ready for review. John, can you keep me honest on the treatment of
>>>> > com.google.gwt.event.shared, and the choices made in the new event
>>>> > package?
>>>> >
>>>> > Bob, does this fit what you have in mind for the bindery organization?
>>>> >
>>>> > Note that I've updated Activity and Place to use the new classes, but
>>>> > not RequestFactory. I won't submit this until Dan has his big patch in
>>>> > place, and I'll make the RF changes before I do.
>>>> >
>>>> > http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1394803/
>>>> --
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
>>>  --
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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