public void onModuleLoad() {
                DockLayoutPanel dock = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX);
                SimplePanel west = new SimplePanel();
                final SimplePanel main = new SimplePanel();
                SimplePanel east = new SimplePanel();

                dock.addWest(west, 350);
                dock.addEast(east, 200);


                Window.alert("Width: " + main.getOffsetWidth());

                Timer timer = new Timer() {
                        public void run() {
                                Window.alert("Width: " + main.getOffsetWidth());

On Apr 16, 12:52 pm, Sky <> wrote:
> Calling getOffsetWidth() on a widget within a LayoutPanel during
> onModuleLoad() always returns 0. After onModuleLoad() has completed
> then it returns a meaningful answer.
> See my code below to reproduce this situation. The first Alert
> displays a value of "0" while the second Alert displays "1280" (since
> my screen's width is 1680).
> Does anyone know a way to find out what the width of a widget will be
> before onModuleLoad() completes? There must be some CSS we can apply
> so that the absolutely positioned container will know it's width.


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