I agree there are more opportunities for ordinalization here, as
suggested by Scott (e.g. allow references to $VALUES, or to static
fields/methods on enum instances.  I can pursue those further in a
follow-on release.

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/EnumOrdinalizer.java

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/EnumOrdinalizer.java:439: *
method, which then gets inlined.
In this case, black-listing references to VALUES is the mechanism for
detecting calls to the values() method, which might have been inlined.
But I guess you are suggesting we could allow calls to the values()
method, and thus keep the $VALUES array around.  I'll ponder as a future
thing, I can see it could be useful (possibly in the rpc deserializers
for enums).  It would require changing how we modify the clinit as well
during ordinalization.

File dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/EnumOrdinalizerTest.java

* a program.
Yes, actually it is now, and I'm not sure what changed the behavior, but
programs with single enums, at least within this test framework, do
allow ordinalization.  I suspect it could be due to changes in
JavaAstConstructor.java (more accurate usage of jsni methods, which
prevent some inlining in the java AST).

File dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/EnumOrdinalizerTest.java

Tracker also keeps track of stats for ordinalization, and allows a
report to be generated at the end of a compile with an optional
(currently undocumented) flag.  It keeps track of which optimization
passes resulted in which ordinalizations, keeps track of which
sourceInfo line number caused an enum to be black-listed.  And the
overall stats for how many enums are in the app.   Going forward, the
idea is to have the tracker data generated as part of the soyc report.
I think of it as a model for what can be done to provide greater
visibility into other optimizers as well.

"String y = fruit.staticField;");
Interesting, I guess if fruit is null (or could be null), then
ordinalization would have been blocked anyway (and I think the
possibility that fruit is null is the only semantic difference from the
Fruit.staticField case).   So ordinalization could proceed in this case,
it would require code to convert fruit.staticField to Fruit.staticField,
as part of the ordinalization process.

"int y = fruit.staticMethod();");

good catch, I've updated the test for this.



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