On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Ray Ryan <rj...@google.com> wrote:

> But the distributed app does get the necessary jars in war/WEB-INF/lib
>> and produce a proper war.
> Cool. How?

'samples/build.xml' calls 'samples/mobilewebapp/ant.xml' with target
'source+libs'. That target copies all necessary files and libs from tools.
Several files get renamed:

user-build.xml -> build.xml
user-classpath -> .classpath
user-project -> .project
user-settings/ -> .settings/

For example:

# Starting from trunk
ant dist-dev # to get an updated GWT in build/staging
cd samples/mobilewebapp
ant # copies and renames files
cd build/out/samples/MobileWebApp
ls war/WEB-INF/lib # contains jars from tools

# Either use ant
vim local.properties # define gwt.sdk and appengine.sdk
ant war
ant devmode # no 'ant deploy' because I was lazy

# OR use eclipse
1. Import Existing projects...
2. Fix the appengine and GWT JAR warnings
3. Run/Debug as Web Application (clean you launch configs, just in case)
4. GWT compile
5. Google -> AppEngine deploy

In the distributed gwt-x.y.z.zip gwt.sdk already points to '../../' but
local.properties still needs to define 'appengine.sdk'


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