
I've recently transitioned my web application from GWT 2.2 to 2.3 and I've 
started to encounter some problems. I have a few editors with multiple 
sub-editors that can be used to both create and edit resources. For example:

        [List Offices]
                [List Phones]
                [List Office Hours]

This is constructed as a PersonEditor with a @UiField CompositeEditor for the 
offices and the CompositeEditor uses CellTable HasDataEditors for the phones 
and office hours.

In GWT 2.2, this all worked perfectly, I can create a Person resource by 
submitting the object graph of sub-resources to the server and I can fetch a 
Person resource as well as all the sub-resources and the editor framework takes 
care of all the magic for me.

In GWT 2.3, fetching works perfectly, but submitting does not. From what I can 
tell, the properties of any type controlled by a CompositeEditor are not filled 
in. This triggers javax.validation errors from my server which I can see on the 
wire. By putting breakpoints in the server, I am certain that the complete 
object graph is not sent.

Since I'm unaware of any changes to the editor framework in GWT 2.3, other than 
renaming the request factory packages, I'm surprised that my editors are 
broken. Do you have any pointers?




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