Stephen, if you're game to do the research and the work, we're certainly
happy to have it done. Thanks either way.

On Wed Aug 24 12:39:51 GMT-700 2011, Stephen Haberman wrote:

> > Hm, perhaps a few. I saw instructions on patching emma; nothing else
> > is leaping out at me.
> Okay, there are patch files for json and streamhtmlparser. The latter is
> rebased. Leaving anything that is rebased or patched in the jar seems
> fine to me, since it's only a few.
> (I'm replying to myself, but I sent my previous message from the
> wrong email address, so it is probably moderated/dropped. Here's
> the text in case my previous message never shows up:)
> Taking gwt-dev-nodeps further, it looks like most of the deps come from
> bundling tomcat and htmlunit. Neither of which I use. I think it would
> be fairly easily, at least from a packaging perspective, to make
> gwt-dev-nodeps, gwt-tomcat, and gwt-htmlunit jars, none of which have
> their dependencies in them, but instead pulled in however projects
> otherwise manage transitive dependencies (poms/what have you).
> If I got a gwt-dev-nodeps/gwt-tomcat/gwt-htmlunit build working, would
> anyone be interested in that?
> - Stephen
> --


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