On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Nick Chalko <ncha...@google.com> wrote:

>>  org.hibernate.validator.**constraints.impl.**ScriptAssertValidator
>> So ScriptAssertValidator should not be getting compiled.  Let me try to
>> find where it is excluded.
> user/src/org/hibernate/validator/HibernateValidator.gwt.xml  excludes that
> file with.
>   <source path="constraints">
>     <exclude name="impl/scriptassert/" />
>     <exclude name="super/" />
>   </source>
> Not sure why this is not used.

It looks like the ScriptAssertValidator problem is actually on the
@ScriptAssert annotation itself:

@Target({ TYPE })
*@Constraint(validatedBy = ScriptAssertValidator.class)*
public @interface ScriptAssert {

The type oracle tries to process ScriptAssertValidator.class, but it can't
because of nick's excludes line. No harm is done, but the console noise is
unpleasant. And I wonder what would happen if someone actually tried to use

Nick, do you emulate the rest of those constraints, or do they just work?
Should I exclude the whole package?

Or perhaps I should put in a no-op super source implementation
of ScriptAssertValidator. We've done that kind of thing before.



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