I am also hitting this problem with the left overs fragment and Lex 
suggestion does not seem to help.

I have split points A and B which both use GWT-RPC and so all the RPC code 
gets moved into the left overs fragment which adds 30Kb to its size.  I've 
created a new split point C, in front of A and B but the RPC code remains in 
the leftovers fragment - not in C as Lex seems to suggest it should.

Problem is that split points D, E etc don't use RPC at all but still haee to 
download all that code.

Every new split point a add (one for every html page) adds a bit more to the 
left overs fragment and I see no way to control this.

Does anyone have suggestions how to limit the size of this growing 
leftovers?  Is any fix in the works?




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