How could I refuse?  :) SGTM. We will of course, still have to
maintain all of the GWT-isms. Actually, I've been wondering if we
shoudn't just adopt LESS or SASS extensions too.


On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> CssResource uses Flute to parse the CSS. Flute only supports CSS 2 (as do
> other CSS parsers in Java: CSSParser, Batik, etc.) and seems totally
> unmaintained (last version is 9 year old!). The version used in GWT has been
> patched to add support for the double-colon notation for pseudo-elements
> (from the css3-selectors spec). The most common complain is that you cannot
> use CSS3 gradients without wrapping them in
> literal():
> Searching a bit, I only found 2 open source CSS parsers in Java that support
> CSS3 gradients: Closure Stylesheets and Aptana. Aptana is under GPL so it
> cannot be used.
> So, what do you think about migrating from Flute to Closure Stylesheets as
> the CSS parser? (only the parser, not the processor)
> I of course volunteer to propose the patch.
> --


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