File user/src/com/google/web/bindery/requestfactory/server/
new IdentityHashMap<BaseProxy, Resolution>();
On 2012/04/09 15:44:43, rdayal wrote:
Looks good, but I must say that I dont' quite understand how/why this
fixes the
problem. Can you point out how the code execution in this class would
resulted in a breakage with a HashMap vs. an IdentityHashMap?

At line 632, a collection is populated with the result of
resolveClientValue(Object,Type), which is always an empty proxy
(properties are populated later) –modulo reuse of a proxy if it has
already been resolved–. This isn't an issue with EntityProxies, as each
proxy as at a minimum a stableId that keys it to a domain object and
distinguishes it from other proxies (for other domain objects), but
ValueProxies compare equals() to each other by their properties' values
only, independently of the underlying domain object.
So, when you resolve a collection of ValueProxies, the first iteration
of the loop (at line 632) creates a new, empty ValueProxy and puts it in
the clientObjectsToResolutions map. In the second iteration,
resolveClientValue will create another ValueProxy, but will return the
same Resolution because the ValueProxy compares equals() to the previous
one, so getting the Resolution from the map will return the one for the
first ValueProxy.
Using an IdentityHashMap fixes that lookup, so that we have one
Resolution instance per proxy instance.
Because we have other guards for EntityProxies (keyed by stableId in
state.getBeansForPayload(), via resolveClientProxy), that change is
safe: the goal is to have a most one proxy per domain object (which is
guaranteed in RequestState for EntityProxies)
Receiver<List<SimpleValueProxy>>() {
On 2012/04/09 15:44:43, rdayal wrote:
Sorry if this is naive question, but since the returnValueProxies
implementation always fills in all of the properties (such as
fooField), doesn't
the with("simpleFoo.fooField") become redundant? Based on the
implementation of
returnValueProxies(), it seems that simpleFoo.fooField will always be
filled in,
regardless of whether or not you use the 'with' statement.

The with() is not passed down to the domain method (which is another
), it's a wire-protocol thing (it's not even sent to the server when
using the JsonRpc dialect).
By default, for EntityProxies, only "value-type" properties are
populated (those that can be encoded by ValueCodex; and lists of those).
If you want any other kind of object to be serialized and sent to the
client, it has to be asked for explicitly using with(); independently of
whether the domain method will populate the property on the server-side.


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