*In a distinct difference from regular Java, GWT usually rewards you for 
being more specific about classes:  if you are specific that you return 
ArrayList only, then GWT only makes a serializer for that, and you save 
client size.  But if you return List<...>, and your classpath for the GWT 
compile includes all 8 of the vanilla Java "List" types, then GWT has to 
generate code to handle all of them, leading to code bloat *
Does this have any run-time slow-ness is it just a compile-time slowness ? 

Also, does it increase the ultimate size of the generated javascript?

On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 7:35:36 AM UTC-7, Freeland Abbott wrote:
> Roughly speaking, the GWT serialization code---specifically, the part of 
> the generated server stub that serializes your response to send to the 
> client---is getting a type of object (PersistentBag) that it knows the 
> client code won't be able to decode, and is stopping as a result.
> In this case, PersistentBag is a List, and your interface says it might 
> return any kind of List known to the system.  Either the compile of your 
> GWT app didn't know about the hibernate classes, to include a deserializer 
> for PersistentBag, or (perhaps at least as likely), the hibernate class is 
> using some of the features that GWT forbids (e.g. it may be reflective), 
> and so we can't generate a deserializer for it.  You can compile with DEBUG 
> messages and search for the class name to see what the exact problem is. 
>  But one of those two explains why it's "not included in the set."
> In a distinct difference from regular Java, GWT usually rewards you for 
> being more specific about classes: if you are specific that you return 
> ArrayList only, then GWT only makes a serializer for that, and you save 
> client size.  But if you return List<...>, and your classpath for the GWT 
> compile includes all 8 of the vanilla Java "List" types, then GWT has to 
> generate code to handle all of them, leading to code bloat because, in 
> fact, you probably don't actually touch CopyOnWriteArrayList, for example. 
>  And, to your problem, the server runtime may have List types that the 
> client didn't know about to generate code for, or list types that GWT just 
> can't handle (but it could handle many others, and doesn't know which 
> concrete types you might see).
> Since GWT can't prove there *is* an error at compile time, it won't 
> whine.  But, using an interface type in your serialization, there *might* be 
> a runtime problem, and that's the error message you are seeing.
> You might do better to translate the persisted list into a vanilla 
> ArrayList, and express your RPC in those terms.  Or you might use something 
> other than RPC as a transport, looking at JSON or RequestFactory as a way 
> to make the wire protocol lose the detailed Java type and just have a 
> JavaScript array as the underlying base.


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